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MICROCENSUS 2015 – THE FIRST STEP TO THE RUSSIAN CENSUS 2020 Galina Sheverdova Deputy chief of Population Statistics Department Russian Federation Federal.

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Presentation on theme: "MICROCENSUS 2015 – THE FIRST STEP TO THE RUSSIAN CENSUS 2020 Galina Sheverdova Deputy chief of Population Statistics Department Russian Federation Federal."— Presentation transcript:

1 MICROCENSUS 2015 – THE FIRST STEP TO THE RUSSIAN CENSUS 2020 Galina Sheverdova Deputy chief of Population Statistics Department Russian Federation Federal State Statistics Service

2 1. Goals of Microcensus 2. Enumeration period and sample of Microcensus 3. Topics of Microcensus 4. Technology of Microcensus 5. Application of Microcensus results for All-Russia Population Census 2020

3 1. Goals of Microcensus Collecting the current demographic and socio-economic information in-between All-Russia censuses Producing data for the State Demographic Policy providing Producing data for the State Demographic Policy providing Reevaluation of scenarios options for population projection Following UN principles and recommendations on conducting intercensal household sample surveys The first step to the All-Russia Population Census 2020 The first step to the All-Russia Population Census 2020

4 2. Enumeration period and sample of Microcensus Period of enumeration 1 - 31 October 2015 Units of enumeration Private households Field staff 6190 enumerators 1579 instructors Sample All regions 979 thousand living quarters 961 thousand private households 2452 thousand people (1,7% of population)

5 2. Enumeration period and sample of Microcensus Nizhny Novgorod region Saratov region

6 Relation to the first member of the household Your sex Your date of birth Your place of birth Your marital status Which languages do you speak? Which of these languages do you use in your daily life? Your mother tongue Your ethnicity Your educational attainment Can you read and write? Your Sources of livelihood Which of these sources of livelihood do you consider to be the main? Have you performed any work for pay or profit in the period from 24 to 30 of September of 2015? Have you sought work during the past month? If you were offered a suitable job, could you start in the next two weeks? 3. Topics of Microcensus

7 Your citizenship When and how have you acquired Russian citizenship? Your previous citizenship Duration of your residence Your place of previous residence Your place of residence in October of 2010 Are you registered in your place of residence? Type of your registration What is your place of residence registration? Are you currently attending an educational organization? Does the child attend the kindergarten? What is the reason for the child not attending kindergarten? 3. Topics of Microcensus

8 How many children have you born alive? How many children, including those you have already: - Are you planning to have? - Would you like to have, given all the necessary conditions? If you would like to have more children than you are planning to, then to which extent could the conditions listed below contribute to you having the desired number of children? (list of various conditions, including one-time and regular allowances, exemptions, and personal reasons) Do you have any chronic conditions that cause limitations of your activities? Do you need help from another person in your daily life due to your health- related issues? Who currently provides you this help? Are you currently assessed with a disability group? Which disability group are you assessed with? For usual residents that are temporarily absent for more than one month: The period of absence, the reason of absence, place of temporary residence 3. Topics of Microcensus


10 Main screen of software Main screen for the living quarter

11 4. Technology of Microcensus List of household members

12 4. Technology of Microcensus Screen of the logical error List of living units

13 4. Technology of Microcensus Federal Level (FL) Administrator FLOperator of Coding Checking Data Synchronization Service Regional Level (RL) Field Level (Enumerators) Multiuser Tasks Single User Tasks Specialist RL Administrator RL Data Input and Formal Logic Control Operator Administrator RL, Specialist RL Data Input Software (Tablets)

14 Participation in census should be obligatory (changing of the Census Law) 5. Application of Microcensus results for All-Russia Population Census 2020 Census 2020 Limitation of number of questions Detailed and wide population statistics Full population coverage

15 INTERNET CENSUS PART OF POPULATION NOT PARTICIPATED IN THE INTERNET CENSUS COLLECTING DATA BY ENUMERATORS 5. Application of Microcensus results for All-Russia Population Census 2020 4 days 12 days 10 days Census 2010 Address Database

16 5. Application of Microcensus results for All-Russia Population Census 2020 Mapping Microdata requests Tabulations

17 Thank you for attention

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