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MONITORING, EVALUATION AND RESEARCH Critical response gaps: lack of enough Monitoring and evaluation knowledge and skills lack of a databank to monitor.

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Presentation on theme: "MONITORING, EVALUATION AND RESEARCH Critical response gaps: lack of enough Monitoring and evaluation knowledge and skills lack of a databank to monitor."— Presentation transcript:

1 MONITORING, EVALUATION AND RESEARCH Critical response gaps: lack of enough Monitoring and evaluation knowledge and skills lack of a databank to monitor HIV activities Lack of involvement of CSOs in the drawing up of monitoring strategic plan No unified work plan for monitoring CSOs activities on HIV Effective ways of data collection and storage and analysis

2 …..Critical response gaps There is a gap in quality assurance in herbal research Conflicting information from districts – set up data banks at every districts utilize the district planning officers in M&E of HIV activities there is no legal framework for CSOs report to UAC on AIDS activities There is no standard reporting format for M&E of HIV/AIDS activities There are no well defined national research priorities No clear guidelines on the conduct of HIV/AIDS research

3 …..Critical response gaps Transport facilitation Bureaucracy in collecting information from some institutions

4 Response Lead Partner Train CSOs and other stakeholders in M&E of HIV activities - UAC Operattionalise the M&E framework - UAC Networking of the different databases Involvement involvement of CSOs and other stakeholders in the drawing up of monitoring strategic plans and their implementation – UAC, CSOs Design effective methods of disseminating information – by SCEs, UAC, Need to be equipped with data collection tools/Need to train M&E experts Desegregation of data at data collecting stage Quality assurance in herbal research -carry out baseline survey on herbal research institutions dealing with HIV/AIDS THETA, MoH, UNCST, NCRL, NDA Strategic Priority Responses

5 ….. Strategic Priority Responses Design standard reporting format for M&E of HIV/AIDS activities, UAC, Develop clear guidelines on the conduct of HIV/AIDS research UAC, UNCST, Need to research more on discordance, UNCST, UAC, Research institutions, Carry out operational research on the epidemic All districts should develop its own M&E indicators for HIV/AIDS activities based on the national M&E framework Dissemination and feedback should be strengthened - UAC END

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