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The High Middle Ages. When people discuss “the Dark Ages,” they typically mean the Low Middle Ages. (That means the crazy centuries just after the fall.

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Presentation on theme: "The High Middle Ages. When people discuss “the Dark Ages,” they typically mean the Low Middle Ages. (That means the crazy centuries just after the fall."— Presentation transcript:

1 The High Middle Ages

2 When people discuss “the Dark Ages,” they typically mean the Low Middle Ages. (That means the crazy centuries just after the fall of Rome in 455.)

3 . However, the late medieval world is quite strikingly different from the earlier one. 800 CE = the time of the Charlemagne’s Empire, which unifies France and Germany under his kingdom 1066 CE = the time of William the Conqueror’s conquest of England

4 On the continent, this later period is called The High Middle Ages (1000 – 1300) and the Late Middle Ages (1300 – 1500) to contrast it with the earlier Low Middle Ages.

5 The Low Middle Ages is a time of Germanic tribes sweeping across Europe, of Viking invasions, of small tribal kingdoms fighting in war bands. It’s a chaotic, lawless time. Here, we have the mast of a Viking longboat. Note the dragon imagery, O ye readers of Beowulf!

6 Roman architectural technology is lost. Many early churches are simply crammed into ruins of old Roman temples. Temple of Clitumnus,a Christian church established about the year 650 in northern Italy.

7 The architecture was in a style called “Romanesque.” It had some superficial Roman features, but short and squat. The Tomb of King Theodoric, barbarian ruler over Italy, built before 526 C.E. Ravenna, Italy.

8 So how do we get from this.... The Tomb of King Theodoric, barbarian ruler, built before 526 C.E. Located in Ravenna, Italy.

9 …to this? Lincolnshire Cathedral, England, c. 1200

10 …or Canterbury Cathedral?

11 Or this? Choir at Canterbury Cathedral. Note the Roman arches combined with gabled ceilings. Note how tall it is!

12 From Anglo-Saxon manuscripts like this.... First page of the Nowell Codex (the Beowulf manuscript) Cotton Vitellius A.xv, produced circa 800 CE,

13 To gold-encrusted books like this? Gold-illuminated lettering for Psalm 1:1 “Beatus Vir,”from Dagulf’s Psalter. Created in the court school of Emperor Charlemagne. Östreichische National Bibliothek, Vienna, Codex 1861, fol. 25 r, 9th century.

14 Or rubricated books like this one? Illuminated initial “E” depicting the prophet Ezekiel, eating the bitter scroll from the angel before his vision.

15 Or artistic talent like this monk’s? Illumination for Psalm 23. From ninth-century Psalter, from Saint-Germain- des-Prés. Württembergische Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart, Bibl. Fol. 23.

16 To texts that combine all these lovely techniques in a riot of detail? Unicorn Psalter, circa 1200 from France. Note the detail in the historiated initial and the babuins or grotesques in the margins.

17 We move from an age of Anglo- Saxon war chiefs and Viking pirates... The “Sutton Hoo” helmet of an Anglo-Saxon cyning or thegn, dating to early 600, found near Suffolk, England.

18 To the romanticized glory of late feudal monarchy. Statuary over Sarcophagus of King Henry IV and his wife, Joan of Navarre, from Canterbury Cathedral’s crypt.

19 That is the question for today. Display armor from Belvoir Castle in England.

20 Late Middle Ages 1000-1300 End of foreign invasions End of foreign invasions Warmer, milder, dryer climate Warmer, milder, dryer climate Population expansion Population expansion Expanded trade and commerce Expanded trade and commerce Foreign wars Foreign wars Agricultural Revolution Agricultural Revolution Improved technology Improved technology Improved farming practices Improved farming practices


22 Medieval Agricultural Revolution -New Technology -Expanded Production






28 New Harness (horse collar)- allows for heavier loads to be pulled

29 New type of Horse Harness OLDNEW OLDNEW

30 Old Harness


32 Heavy Plow allows better more land to be cultivated


34 Windmills allow for increased flour production

35 Grindstone grinds grain into flour


37 Expanded Production Reclaim wasteland for farming Reclaim wasteland for farming Adoption of three field system (crop rotation). Better system of land conservation and production. Adoption of three field system (crop rotation). Better system of land conservation and production.


39 Agriculture Revolution Better technology and practices = more food. Better technology and practices = more food. More food = population growth More food = population growth -35 million in 1000 -80 million in 1340 Growth of towns and cities

40 Revival of Trade



43 Medieval Trade Fair


45 Trade fairs Large markets where goods are traded Large markets where goods are traded Grow very large, many turn into towns with their own charters and laws. Grow very large, many turn into towns with their own charters and laws.

46 How did you get a job in the Middle Ages? (for example how did you become a bricklayer or cloth worker) How did you get a job in the Middle Ages? (for example how did you become a bricklayer or cloth worker) Answer- serve as an apprentice to learn a trade and become a guild member. Answer- serve as an apprentice to learn a trade and become a guild member. Guild- association of skilled workers or merchants Guild- association of skilled workers or merchants

47 Guilds Examples Stone masons, weavers, cloth makers, cobblers, coopers, brewers, bakers, metal workers, goldsmiths, leather makers, etc. Examples Stone masons, weavers, cloth makers, cobblers, coopers, brewers, bakers, metal workers, goldsmiths, leather makers, etc. Only guild members could work in a trade. Only guild members could work in a trade. Limit membership to decrease competition Limit membership to decrease competition Pass rules regulating prices, hours of labor, quality of work. Also provide social services- health care, widow and orphan funds. Pass rules regulating prices, hours of labor, quality of work. Also provide social services- health care, widow and orphan funds. Apprenticeship- 7 years, unpaid Apprenticeship- 7 years, unpaid Up to 1/3 are exclusive to women, many are open to both men and women Up to 1/3 are exclusive to women, many are open to both men and women



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