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Participants RIVM UV/O3 BIRA + Belgian User Support and Operation centre (ESA) NILU Evergreen: verify emissions through IM, PROMOTE Uni Leister: GMES-GATO,

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Presentation on theme: "Participants RIVM UV/O3 BIRA + Belgian User Support and Operation centre (ESA) NILU Evergreen: verify emissions through IM, PROMOTE Uni Leister: GMES-GATO,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Participants RIVM UV/O3 BIRA + Belgian User Support and Operation centre (ESA) NILU Evergreen: verify emissions through IM, PROMOTE Uni Leister: GMES-GATO, data provider, integrated systems WMO IGACO Uni Heidelberg: products for radiation budget, GHG’s from satellites Uni Bremen: GHG’s, EVERGREEN, data provider EC/JRC: KP policy

2 (Potential) User Segment KP and MP National and International emission inventory agencies: Parties to Conventions Industrial entities/ Industrial research organization / Inversion Modelling / Data assimilation research community KP / GHG’s Biochemical Cycles research community Researches are usually providers and users (project based. CARBO-EUROPE) Research policy makers Climate change research MP / UV Biomedical community (exposure habits) Paint companies, L’Oreal, … Agricultural effect on crops Voluntary (tourism) + involuntary outdoor people: public information/forecast Public Awareness

3 User Needs (1) KP and MP Anthropogenic emissions for verification of bottom-up official data: country scale Inverse Modelling / Data Assimilation (emissions + concentrations) Will need integrated observations (satellite products + ground + A/C) KP Land-Use & Land-Use Change & Forestry C-sink Clean Development Mechanisme Emissions Aerosol fields to do atmospheric corrections in retrievals of GHG’s ? Averaged optical properties (from ground-based & satellites) Post-Kyoto Integrate with conventional pollutants (aerosols, O3, …) MP / UV Concentration measurements: Strat O3, CFC’s, HFC’s Aerosol fields, cloud fields, tropospheric trace gasses O3, NO2 for UV Surface albedo (e.g. snow) for UV forecast,

4 Atmospheric Chemistry Applications Workshop ESTEC 20-21 January 2004-4 1989 1992 1997 Monitoring De- & Reforestation

5 User Needs (1) KP and MP Anthropogenic emissions for verification of bottom-up official data: country scale Inverse Modelling / Data Assimilation (emissions + concentrations) Will need integrated observations (satellite products + ground + A/C) KP Land-Use & Land-Use Change & Forestry C-sink Clean Development Mechanisme Emissions Aerosol fields to do atmospheric corrections in retrievals of GHG’s ? Averaged optical properties (from ground-based & satellites) Post-Kyoto Integrate with conventional pollutants (aerosols, O3, …) MP / UV Concentration measurments: Strat O3, CFC’s, HFC’s Aerosol fields, cloud fields, tropospheric trace gasses O3, NO2 for UV Surface albedo (e.g. snow) for UV forecast,

6 User Needs (2) Biogeochemical cycle studies Estimation of biogenic & anthropogenic emissions and sinks Oceanic/Terrestrial Stocks (e.g. forests) GCOS: atmospheric composition, essential climate variables for UNFCCC IGACO: science driven ! GMES-GATO:

7 Atmospheric Chemistry Applications Workshop ESTEC 20-21 January 2004-7 Chemical species Air Quality Oxidation Capacity Climate Stratospheric Ozone Depletion O3O3 CO UV-A j(NO 2 ) UV-B j(O 3 ) H 2 O (water vapour) HCHO C2H6C2H6 active nitrogen: NO x = NO+NO 2 reservoir species: HNO 3 SO 2 active halogens: BrO, ClO, OClO reservoir species: HCl, ClONO 2 sources: CH 3 Br, CFC-12, CFC- 11, HCFC-22 aerosol optical properties CO 2 CH 4

8 Atmospheric Chemistry Applications Workshop ESTEC 20-21 January 2004-8

9 9

10 10 Target and Threshold Requirements for Aerosol

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