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30-2 Fishes BIO 1004 Flora. What is a Fish? Aquatic vertebrate Paired fins, scales and gills Function of parts – Gills – respiration – Scales – protection.

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Presentation on theme: "30-2 Fishes BIO 1004 Flora. What is a Fish? Aquatic vertebrate Paired fins, scales and gills Function of parts – Gills – respiration – Scales – protection."— Presentation transcript:

1 30-2 Fishes BIO 1004 Flora

2 What is a Fish? Aquatic vertebrate Paired fins, scales and gills Function of parts – Gills – respiration – Scales – protection – Fins - movement

3 Fish Anatomy/Feeding Types of feeders includes: – Herbivores – Carnivores – Omnivores – Parasites – Filter feeders – detritivores

4 Fish Anatomy Pyloric ceca – specialized structure in fish that helps them further digest food Gills – site of gas exchange – Made of structures called filaments – Filaments have a rich supply of blood through capillaries are attached – Breath oxygen rich water through mouth, pump it across gills, and breath out oxygen poor water through openings in the pharynx ** Operculum protects the gills

5 Anatomy Cont. Circulation – Have a closed circulatory system with a heart – Single loop system – Heart has 3 chambers Sinus venosus, atrium, bulbus arteriosus (includes ventricle) SV, A, V, BA, gills, body, back to SV

6 Response Well developed nervous system Most fish have highly developed sense organs Have color vision as good as our own Lateral line system – detects gentle currents and vibrations in the water with sensory receptors

7 Movement Muscle contract on one side of body or other and causes s-shaped curve to move down body Most fish bodies are more dense that the water around them (sink) Fish are equipped with swim bladders, which is a gas filled organ, that adjusts their buoyancy. – Located just beneath backbone

8 Reproduction Eggs of fishes are fertilized externally or internally (depending on species) Fishes whose eggs hatch outside their body are called “oviparous” Fishes whose eggs stay inside a mom’s body after fertilization is called “ovoviviparous” Viviparous – obtain nutrients from mother - not a yolk sac – Also born alive

9 Groups of Fishes Jawless – No teeth or true jaws – Lack vertebrae – Ex: lampreys or hag fishes Sharks/relative of sharks – Skeletons are built entirely of cartilage, not bone – Scales (rough) – Lots of teeth Bony fishes – Skeletons are made of hard calcified bone

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