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June 14, 2001. Lance Arsenault John Kelso Ron Kriz.

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Presentation on theme: "June 14, 2001. Lance Arsenault John Kelso Ron Kriz."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 14, 2001

2 Lance Arsenault John Kelso Ron Kriz

3 June 14, 2001 PhD Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics, 1996 University of Illinois at Urbana Lance Arsenault 1999-present Research Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech 1996-1999 Computer Programmer, NCSA, Caterpillar Inc., Virtual Prototyping System

4 June 14, 2001 E S R E V I D econfigurable, irtual nvironments- evice ndependent calable, xtensible

5 June 14, 2001

6 Sponsored by NavCIITI Paul Quinn NavCIITI Paul Quinn Lockheed Martin DURIP Kam Ng Pat McKenzie

7 June 14, 2001 What is DIVERSE? DIVERSE is: free (GNU LGPL and GPL) softwarefreeLGPLGPL Consisting of: C++ Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) Utility and Example programs GNU/Linux SGI IRIX Runs on:

8 June 14, 2001 What is DIVERSE? DIVERSE is for creating Applications like: Crane Ship Simulator with CAVE and motion base Crane Ship Simulator with CAVE and motion base

9 June 14, 2001 Who Else Uses DIVERSE? US Navy –Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) NIST –Scientific Applications and Visualization Group Penn State –Center for Academic Computing, Visualization Group

10 June 14, 2001 The Same Program Runs on All Hardware With No Changes to the Program evice ndependent

11 June 14, 2001 Example: Crane Ship Simulator In the CAVE irtual nvironments Desktop econfigurable calable Idesk GNU/Linux laptop Ask me to show you here at ONR-SBD

12 June 14, 2001 We always tried to keep this in mind.. Stay out of the user’s way –They know their job better than we Augment instead of replace –Build on existing packages, don’t reinvent Works by default –Lowest-common-form Defaults work anywhere

13 June 14, 2001 Two Separate Packages DIVERSE Toolkit (DTK) –Networking, I/O, not related to graphics –Remote Shared Memory DIVERSE Graphics Interface for OpenGL Performer (DgiPf) –Built using DTK and Performer

14 June 14, 2001 DIVERSE Toolkit (DTK) Library –C++ Classes to Build Server and Applications Networked Server –Manage Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Services DSO I/O Services –Loaded/Unloaded on the Fly

15 June 14, 2001 DTK Remote Shared Memory is Simulator Glue graphics Local host memory “wombat” wombat dynamics Simulate wombat dynamics File play back graphics Remote Display memory “wombat” wombat dynamics Remote wombat host Stop X Remote without writing code econfigurable

16 June 14, 2001 DIVERSE Graphics Interface for OpenGL Performer (DgiPf) Uses DTK and Performer to provide: –Configuration via DSOs –Display-Independent Graphics –Coordinate Systems and Scene Graph –Viewing Frusta –Stereo Graphics –Input from Real and Emulated Devices –Many Navigation Methods xtensible

17 June 14, 2001 Hello.c++ # include int main(void) { pfInit(); dgiPf app; pfConfig(); app.display()->world()->addChild(pfdLoadFile(“model.pfb"); while(app.state & DGIPF_ISRUNNING) pfFrame(); pfExit(); }

18 June 14, 2001 Program: Hello Can run on: –CAVE TMCAVE –ImmersaDesk TM –HMD (Head Mounted Display) –Desktop –Laptop With many Navigation Methods With Stereo or Mono Display

19 June 14, 2001 Example: a CAVE Graphics DSO

20 June 14, 2001 Future Other OS platforms –HPUX, MS Windows, Mac OSX, Solaris DIVERSE for OpenGL DIVERSE for Open Inventor

21 June 14, 2001 Visit Download and Try it out Read the Friendly Documentation Virginia Tech Virtual Environments Workshop August 6-10 see details at:

22 June 14, 2001

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