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Curtain Raisers New Youth Agenda for Valjevo BY SRECKO, MILOS AND PETER.

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Presentation on theme: "Curtain Raisers New Youth Agenda for Valjevo BY SRECKO, MILOS AND PETER."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curtain Raisers New Youth Agenda for Valjevo BY SRECKO, MILOS AND PETER

2 Project Description There are few activities to satisfy today's youth. Education is on a very low level in Valjevo and entertainment for young people is poor, because folk music is played in many clubs.

3 Project Description The main problems are that young people start to smoke and drink at a very early age. They don t have any physical activities because they spend a lot of time in front of the computer.

4 Project Description The structure of the problem is that young people become more agressive because they get involved with the wrong people. They become huligans and vandalise the town. The police has to deal with the increasing number of them.

5 Action Plan: Performing Arts Activity: Rock and pop concert Time: 3 h Responsible: DJ Mozzart Resources: stage, musical equipment Outcome: very big event

6 Action Plan: Visual Arts Activity: Theatre performance of Mr. Zika Pavlovic Time: 2 hours Responsible: Milan Resources: theatre Outcome: grand performance

7 Action Plan: Sports Activity: Sport course Time: 5 h Responsible: Luka Resources: football field Outcome: Interesting game

8 Action Plan: Summer Camps Activity: Hiking camp Time: all day Responsible: Milan Resources: hiking equipment, food Outcome: Good time

9 Action Plan: Community service Activity: Cleaning the town Time: 15 minutes Responsible: Mayor Resources: dumper truck Outcome: clean town

10 Getting Ideas Here are some websites listing events and activities in our country and round the world. They might give you a few ideas: BelgradeBelgrade London SidneyLondonSidney Agents4changeAgents4change DoSomethingDoSomething MySummerCamps

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