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FEKO Project plate_32bit Frequency: 600MHz – 800MHz with 50MHz spacing

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Presentation on theme: "FEKO Project plate_32bit Frequency: 600MHz – 800MHz with 50MHz spacing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Manual Port Synthesis/Characteristic Mode Port Synthesis: FEKO Plate Example
FEKO Project plate_32bit Frequency: 600MHz – 800MHz with 50MHz spacing Input file “MANUAL_SYNTHESIS_INPUT.txt” or “CMPS_INPUT.txt” project.mat (without the extension) Use existing Y-matrix Number of ports Port global index numbers (from CharM GUI) Port voltages (manual excitation) or CM coefficients (CM port synthesis) Need to run CharM CM solver BEFORE MS/CMPS Port 3 Port 2 Port 4 Port 1

2 Manual Synthesis (MS)/CMPS: Input/Output
Project directory before running Manual Port Synthesis.exe CM computation parameters (e.g. matrix size, number of frequencies, etc) from the CharM CM solver MS/CMPS executable MS/CMPS input file project.mat Project directory after running Manual Port Synthesis.exe MS/CMPS output files: CM expansion, input impedance, Q, etc. (MS_computation_parameters_project.txt) Surface current due to manual voltage excitation (MS_full_currents_project.txt) Manual port voltages (MS_voltages_project.txt) Y-matrix binary file (project.ymat) Need AEM to convert MS_full_currents_project.txt into *.str and *.ffe files

3 MS/CMPS: Computation Parameters
MS/CMPS executables computes the CM expansion, power radiated, Q-factor, and active input impedances Plots of these quantities can be put in CharM Power radiated by the surface current Characteristic Mode coefficients of the surface current Q-factor of surface current

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