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ASU Academic Senate February 13, 2006 ASU/MCCCD Alliance Status Report.

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1 ASU Academic Senate February 13, 2006 ASU/MCCCD Alliance Status Report

2 Course Equivalency and ArticulationCourse Equivalency and Articulation –AZ Course Applicability System (CAS) –Course Equivalency Guide (CEG) Statewide Transfer DegreesStatewide Transfer Degrees –AA, ABus, AS, AAEE Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC)Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC) The Transfer Model in Arizona The Transfer Model in Arizona

3 Undergraduate Students by Level and Entry All Undergraduates

4 ASU/MCCCD Collaborations Associate in Transfer Partnership (ATP)Associate in Transfer Partnership (ATP) –24 ATPs – curriculum-to-curriculum match MCCCD representation on all ASU college curriculum committees, General Studies committee, Task Force on the Curriculum of the New American UniversityMCCCD representation on all ASU college curriculum committees, General Studies committee, Task Force on the Curriculum of the New American University ASU representation on MCCCD curriculum committee and general education subcommitteeASU representation on MCCCD curriculum committee and general education subcommittee Early Alert System for course proposalsEarly Alert System for course proposals ASU-Maricopa Community Colleges AllianceASU-Maricopa Community Colleges Alliance

5 ASU/MCCCD Alliance GOAL: to increase the number of AZ students who will graduate with Associate and Bachelor’s degreesGOAL: to increase the number of AZ students who will graduate with Associate and Bachelor’s degrees Planning PrinciplesPlanning Principles –Collaboration in planning –Seamless transitions for students throughout academic career –Joint programs & services that are “transparent” to students –Joint admission to community college & university with same opportunity to be admitted to upper-division programs as native university students

6 History of the ASU/MCCCD Alliance Initiated January 2004Initiated January 2004 The Alliance was organized into teams for planning purposesThe Alliance was organized into teams for planning purposes –Operations/Technical Team –Honors Alliance –Nursing Alliance –Teacher Education Alliance –Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) in Organizational Studies Alliance –Manufacturing/Engineering Alliance –Upper-Division ASU Courses Offered at the Maricopa Community Colleges Original Steering Committee composed of leaders from MCCCD and ASUOriginal Steering Committee composed of leaders from MCCCD and ASU Current LeadershipCurrent Leadership –Maricopa Community Colleges Interim Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. Maria Harper-Marinick –Vice Provost & Dean of the ASU University College, Dr. Gail Hackett –Director, Alliance Programs, Rudy Garcia (joint hire)

7 Progress To Date 16 students admitted to the pilot Honors Cohort have enrolled as degree- seeking students at ASU16 students admitted to the pilot Honors Cohort have enrolled as degree- seeking students at ASU Alliance advising operational (Honors program, Transfer Center)Alliance advising operational (Honors program, Transfer Center) Joint admissions and financial aid infrastructure designed and implemented for pilot phaseJoint admissions and financial aid infrastructure designed and implemented for pilot phase Plans for Alliance programs forthcoming:Plans for Alliance programs forthcoming: –Honors Alliance –Nursing RN/AAS to BSN program –Rio/ASU BIS in Organizational Studies program Request for endorsement of ability to accept up to 75 lower division credit hours in specified Alliance/partnership programs (Senate, ABOR)Request for endorsement of ability to accept up to 75 lower division credit hours in specified Alliance/partnership programs (Senate, ABOR) Discussions ongoing regarding other Alliance programs (e.g., Teacher Education, Manufacturing technology)Discussions ongoing regarding other Alliance programs (e.g., Teacher Education, Manufacturing technology) Discussions with other community colleges about possible partnershipsDiscussions with other community colleges about possible partnerships

8 Model for Proposed Degree Pathways for Alliance Programs Selected degree paths for AAS Nursing students and BIS Organizational Studies Program (online and face-to-face)Selected degree paths for AAS Nursing students and BIS Organizational Studies Program (online and face-to-face) Up to 75 lower-division hours transferred from MCCCDUp to 75 lower-division hours transferred from MCCCD 15 upper-division hours offered by ASU through Alliance faculty online, on MCCCD campuses, or at ASU15 upper-division hours offered by ASU through Alliance faculty online, on MCCCD campuses, or at ASU 30 ASU hours offered by ASU and/or Alliance faculty online or on ASU campus. Some combination of the final 30 hours could be offered on community college campuses for programs with sufficient enrollments.30 ASU hours offered by ASU and/or Alliance faculty online or on ASU campus. Some combination of the final 30 hours could be offered on community college campuses for programs with sufficient enrollments.

9 Proposed Model for the Alliance Faculty The Alliance Faculty are qualified MCCCD or ASU instructors approved to teach Alliance courses by unit in which each course originatesThe Alliance Faculty are qualified MCCCD or ASU instructors approved to teach Alliance courses by unit in which each course originates Process for vetting Alliance faculty TBDProcess for vetting Alliance faculty TBD Alliance Faculty will have the same access to ASU/MCCCD amenities as ASU/MCCCD facultyAlliance Faculty will have the same access to ASU/MCCCD amenities as ASU/MCCCD faculty –libraries –computer facilities –recreational complex –discounted tickets for athletic and other events –special parking arrangements at ASU –ASU University Club membership

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