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Government Recordkeeping Update September 2009 John Roberts, Acting Group Manager, Government Recordkeeping Group, Archives New Zealand.

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Presentation on theme: "Government Recordkeeping Update September 2009 John Roberts, Acting Group Manager, Government Recordkeeping Group, Archives New Zealand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Government Recordkeeping Update September 2009 John Roberts, Acting Group Manager, Government Recordkeeping Group, Archives New Zealand

2 7/9/2009 Update on Current Developments2 Overview New Continuum publications New standards projects: Disposal, ERKSS EDRMS project Training update Legacy and transfer programmes 2009 recordkeeping survey results Annual report on recordkeeping Changes to our websites Changing faces at Archives NZ

3 7/9/2009 Update on Current Developments3 New Continuum publications Now available: G15 Guide to Completing a Survey of Physical Records G16 Guide to Best Practice in Storage G17 Recordkeeping for Business Activities Carried out by Contractors F19 Factsheet: An Introduction to the Legacy Records Programme F20 Factsheet: Managing Datasets F22 Factsheet: Digital Transfer Coming up: Technical Guide on Implementing Technical Specs in EDRMS Web Records Guide

4 7/9/2009 Update on Current Developments4 New Standard on Disposal Principles-based, mandatory standard to support regular and effective disposal of records in the public sector Will replace existing Appraisal Standard, issued 1998 Project underway, Advisory Group being established First consultation round scheduled November 2009 For more information, contact Mark Crookston, Senior Advisor, Appraisal (

5 7/9/2009 Update on Current Developments5 Electronic Recordkeeping Systems Standard Phase 1 Recommendations: Standard needs to be revised Standard should remain discretionary Standard should address implementation issues Develop overarching discretionary standard setting out the high level principles, then a number of modules sitting below this standard, covering specific elements of electronic recordkeeping practice Phase 2: Revise Standard Currently initiating project and forming advisory group For more information, contact Alice Patterson, Senior Advisor, GRP (

6 7/9/2009 Update on Current Developments6 EDRMS project update Working with Government Technology Services Focus for this year is defining the problems with EDRMS purchase and implementation, and identifying viable solutions Our questions: Are EDRMS implementations delivering value for money? If not, why not? What can we do to help public sector organisations get more benefit from EDRMS? If you are interested in this work, please let us know. We do want to consult with all interested parties. Contact:

7 7/9/2009 Update on Current Developments7 Government Recordkeeping Training Update New/revised courses have been very popular: Recordkeeping Metadata Appraisal and Disposal Brand new workshop – ‘Preparing Records for Transfer’ developed. A wellington course is scheduled for December

8 7/9/2009 Update on Current Developments8 It’s time to book your training! Appraisal & Disposal – 16/17 th September Recordkeeping Metadata – 8 th October Local Government & PRA – 14/15 th October For more information see the Continuum website at:

9 7/9/2009 Update on Current Developments9 Digital continuity update The Digital Continuity Action Plan has been approved by Cabinet for public sector implementation. Now available in print and on our website. Digital Transfer fact sheet (F22) Fact sheet and research report on managing public sector datasets for the long term (F20) Contact –

10 7/9/2009 Update on Current Developments10 Legacy and Transfer Programmes Legacy Programme continues into this new financial year apace. Highlights so far include: One agency discovered legacy records dating from the 1860s Another identified significant cost savings by disposing legacy holdings Wellington office now focussing on transfer of high risk, high value records, especially those over 25 years old. For example the Patent & Trademark Office (IPONZ) recently transferred records dating back to 1861 59 transfers to Wellington office over past year For legacy or transfer queries contact

11 7/9/2009 Update on Current Developments11 Government Recordkeeping Survey 2009 2009 report now available on web Some very encouraging results: 71% of respondents have established policies on recordkeeping (compared to 56% in 2008) 64% have specialised staff who are responsible for records management (52% in 2008) 52% have procedures for creating & filing electronic mail (39% in 2008)

12 7/9/2009 Update on Current Developments12

13 7/9/2009 Update on Current Developments13 Changes to our websites - coming soon Based on testing with user groups Easier access to advice and guidance Most ‘Continuum’ content will be migrated to main Archives NZ website (you will be redirected where this hasn’t happened) We still use the ‘Continuum’ brand on our RK advice products

14 7/9/2009 Update on Current Developments14 Website Sneak Preview

15 7/9/2009 Update on Current Developments15 Changing Faces at Archives New Zealand New staff Richard Hipgrave, Manager, Public Records Act Audit Programme Euan Cochrane, Senior Advisor, Digital Continuity Departures Tom Norcliffe, Manager, Appraisal Team Kate Jones, Senior Advisor, Government Recordkeeping Programme Natalie Dewson, Senior Advisor GRP, on parental leave Opportunities Advisor/Senior Advisor positions in the Government Recordkeeping Programme – one permanent, one fixed term (secondment considered for fixed term position) Looking for communication, relationship management, project management skills See for details

16 Further Information Continuum Website: Email: Telephone: (04) 499 5595

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