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Published byChad Williamson Modified over 9 years ago
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center LRO Mission Operations Review (MOR)Slide - 1 CRaTER SOC Operations Mr. Michael Golightly CRaTER Deputy Project Scientist Boston University LRO MOR Section 10
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center LRO Mission Operations Review (MOR)Slide - 2 CRaTER SOC Overview MOC R/T MOC DMP TCP Raw archive SCP PDIST Pipeline Processing Archive for PDS MOC CMD SCP Uplink archive SSH Housekeeping monitors Realtime archive PDS PPI node Pipeline archive SCP Archive mirror Secure web server SCP firewall
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center LRO Mission Operations Review (MOR)Slide - 3 CRaTER Software Component Status ComponentFunctionStatus C++ Object libraryObject-oriented interface to Level 0, 1, and 2 data products 100% written Released CRaTER PipelineTime ordering and gap detection in raw (EDR) files; Generation of Level 0, 1, and 2 products 100% written Released Higher level productsModel-dependent generation of LET spectra0% written Data distributionTCP/IP packet distribution server and clients100% written Under review Engineering displayTCL/Tk graphical interface to display and analyze secondary instrument science and housekeeping 100% written Under review Science displayIDL graphical interface to display and analyze primary and secondary science data products 90% written Private web interfaceHTTPS/SSL server to provide secure access to CRaTER data products and processing information 10% written Public web interfaceHTTP server to provide access to CRaTER status50% written
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center LRO Mission Operations Review (MOR)Slide - 4 CRaTER SOC Functions Uplink command generation (SCP to MOC, as needed) Continuous real-time data collection (TCP from MOC) and display Daily receipt of recorded data (SCP from MOC) Daily pipeline processing Daily quick-look analysis and trending; examine data gaps for existance of anomalous data loss Daily report to SOC lead and MOC Daily distribution to non-secure hosts (CRaTER internal server) Daily review of system logs for evidence of attempted instrusions Daily/weekly data back-ups to offline storage Weekly SOC team meetings Weekly processing & trending report and security inspection Monthly archive collection and rearrangement 3-monthly archive generation and transfer to PDS Yearly security analysis and report Anomaly response, e.g., replication on engineering unit or flight unit #2
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center LRO Mission Operations Review (MOR)Slide - 5 CRaTER SOC Organization Principal Investigator (Spence) Project Manager 1 (Foster) Project Scientist (Kasper) Deputy Project Scientist (Golightly) Project Engineer (Goeke) Pipeline software Document preparation LDWG/PDS Interfaces Archive generation IT security and hardware maintenance Calibration algorithms Conversion algorithms Science display On-orbit commanding GSE control S/W Engineering display Document reviews Code reviews 1 MIT project management ends Dec 2007 2 Golightly takes over as SOC Lead Jan 2008 SOC Lead 2 (Ford)
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center LRO Mission Operations Review (MOR)Slide - 6 CRaTER SOC Staffing FY08FY09 ONDJFMAMJJASONDJFMAMJJA Principal Investigator Spence Proj. Scientist, Science Lead Kasper Deputy PS, SOC Lead Golightly Temporary Soc Lead Ford Instrument Scientist Case Operations Lead Bradford Science Software Wilson Student SOC Operations S/W Development/Maintenance Integration/Test Science Algorithms Science Algorithm Improvements/Evolution
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center LRO Mission Operations Review (MOR)Slide - 7 CRaTER Key Documentation Status DocumentDescription/PurposeNeed DateCurrent Status 32-01209SOC Requirements Document — Plans for SOC component verification 12/01/2006Rev B: 11/02/2006 Delivered / signed off 32-02080CRaTER SOC to PDS PPI Node ICD — Defines the process of data transfer from SOC to PDS 12/01/2006Rev B 11/21/2006 Delivered / signed off 32-01210Data Management and Archive Plan — Describes the generation, format, and archival of CRaTER pipeline products 12/01/2006Rev A: 10/25/2006 Delivered / signed off 32-01213SOC Risk Assessment — Identifies security risks and their proposed mitigations 04/30/2007Rev B: 06/01/2007 Delivered / signed off 32-01208IT Security Plan and Contingency Plan — Describes the controls to apply to minimize IT risks 06/30/2007Rev A: 07/01/2007 Delivered / signed off 32-01212SOC Test Plan — Describes IT testing methodology and test suites traceable from IT requirements 10/30/2007Rev 01: 08/31/2007 Draft released 32-01211Standard Software Interface Specification — Describes the raw (EDR) and pipeline (CDR) products and PDS archive organization 05/31/2007Rev A: 05/31/2007 Rev B: under review 32-01207Calibration Plan — Describes how detector counts are converted to energy and lineal energy transfer 10/01/2007Rev 01: 08/12/2007 Draft released 32-01214Special Software Interface Specification — Describes the Level 3 and 4 spectral data products 02/29/2008Not started
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center LRO Mission Operations Review (MOR)Slide - 8 CRaTER SOC Hardware Facilities SOC-ASOC-B UPS mux console Crater-A Crater-B 2x500 GB Locked cabinet in key-coded room CRaTER LAN (BU) A CRaTER Team Member’s LAN Printer Recorder Logger BU NETWORK switch “Secure” LAN “Semi-open” LANs Disk access External networks Power supply Multiplexed consoles To backup server RAID 15x500 GB
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center LRO Mission Operations Review (MOR)Slide - 9 CRaTER Engineering Unit The SOC will maintain a CRaTER engineering unit † and associated 1553 interface (S/C simulator) to assist in the diagnosis of post-delivery problems with the flight unit. SOC staff will interact with the simulator via a UDP interface to the following set of software programs –Graphical command interface –Output capture to disk –Analog housekeeping display –User status display –Primary science stats display –Output conversion to ASCII CRaTER Engineering Unit Spacecraft 1553B Emulator Internet (UDP) 2 x 1553, 1 Hz tick Example: send commands to the engineering unit and monitor the resulting housekeeping channels [1] Start the graphical command interface: host#CCmd & [2] Start the graphical housekeeping interface host#CHouse & † the CRaTER flight spare can also be used in place of the engineering unit, e.g., to assist in flight-unit recalibration 28VDC
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center LRO Mission Operations Review (MOR)Slide - 10 CRaTER Software Maintenance Operating system maintenance –SOC-A, SOC-B, Crater-A, Crater-B, and Crater-Devel –Redhat Linux—updates provided under 3-year maintenance contract with Redhat –SOC Operations Lead responsible for applying updates/patches Pipeline code development/modifications –Through start of instrument I&T: MIT/Ford, BU/Bradford –After start of instrument I&T: BU/Bradford, BU/Wilson Configuration Control –Code version control maintained under Subversion version control system ( –Copies of all implemented version will be maintained under version control in case it is necessary to roll-back to an earlier version System stability/integrity carefully controlled during all upgrades –Code development/testing done outside SOC on Crater-Devel –User manuals, installation guides, code reference manuals, etc must be updated and released with new versions/changes to existing software –Changes to operating system, pipeline, or science software implemented in sequence of distinct steps Install changes/updates on Crater-Devel--test for compatibility, stability, & functionality; Install on the appropriate backup machine (e.g., machine-B if machine-A prime, etc)--test for compatibility, stability, & functionality; Switch backup machine to prime, and prime to backup (e.g., machine-B → prime, machine-A → backup) Install on remaining machine--test for compatibility, stability, & functionality. NO FLIGHT INSTRUMENT SOFTWARE
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center LRO Mission Operations Review (MOR)Slide - 11 CRaTER Software Testing The Test Plan is directly derived from the following documents: –32–01209 CRaTER SOC Requirements Document –32–01208 CRaTER IT Security and Contingency Plan subject to the constraints identified in the following: –32–01210 CRaTER Data Management and Archive Plan –32–01211 CRaTER Standard Product Software Interface Specification –32–02080 CRaTER Science Team and the PDS PPI Node ICD –431–ICD–000049 External Systems ICD for the LRO Ground System The Traceability Matrix identifies 40 separate requirements: –13 functional — the basic operations expected from the SOC –10 design — requirements imposed by external constraints –10 performance — ability of the s/w and human interfaces to do the job – 7 security — factors that protect the system from unintended behavior which are verified by a set of 10 tests, using various methodologies: –5 by explicit test — did the system pass the prescribed procedural test? –3 by demonstration — did the system produce the expected results? –1 by analysis — are the algorithms adequate to the task? –1 by inspection — are the planned resources available?
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center LRO Mission Operations Review (MOR)Slide - 12 CRaTER SOC Development Status Current Status Hardware (5 processors, RAID storage, etc.) is being assembled Documentation deliveries are up-to-date Pipeline Software (Levels 0, 1, 2) is written and is under review Standard product SIS is under review by the PDS PPI node Engineering Unit interface is built and tested Draft SOC test plan is out; individual test scripts are being written Draft calibration plan has been released SOC is fully staffed (except for students) Future Tasks Place SOC software under configuration control Erect network firewall around secure SOC hardware Complete SOC testing, including SOC-MOC and SOC-PDS tests Conduct SIS peer review by PDS PPI node
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