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Theme 1: Off to Adventure! Cliff Hanger. Hut a small, simple house or shelter.

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Presentation on theme: "Theme 1: Off to Adventure! Cliff Hanger. Hut a small, simple house or shelter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme 1: Off to Adventure! Cliff Hanger

2 Hut a small, simple house or shelter.

3 Cathedral A large or important church.

4 Registration book A book used to record the names or guests at a hotel, club, or school.

5 Climbing nuts Rock-climbing tools that are jammed into cracks in the rock and used to anchor ropes.

6 Carabiners Metal rings used by rock climbers to attach ropes to themselves or to climbing nuts.

7 Trekked Made a slow and difficult journey on foot.

8 Avalanches Areas or rock, snow, or earth that fell down a mountain.

9 Shaft A tall column or pillar

10 Ledge A shelf of rock

11 Ridge A long narrow chain of mountains

12 Bracing Making fir, steadying

13 Belay Being tied to a person or rock with a rope for safety

14 Plunging Falling suddenly and quickly

15 Splats Short splashing noises

16 Harness A set of straps that attach to a safety rope

17 Eased Moved slowly and carefully

18 Rappel To come down a cliff by sliding down a rope

19 Void A large, empty space

20 Handhold Something to hold on to for support

21 Foresaw Knew something before it happened

22 Vertical Straight up and down

23 Free climb To climb without being attached to anything

24 Descent A trip down into or from something, such as a mountain

25 Concentration The act of thinking hard, staying focused

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