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AAE 451 Aircraft Design First Flight Boiler Xpress November 21, 2000

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1 AAE 451 Aircraft Design First Flight Boiler Xpress November 21, 2000
Team Members Oneeb Bhutta, Matthew Basiletti , Ryan Beech, Mike Van Meter Professor Dominick Andrisani

2 3-D Views 11ft 6ft

3 Aerodynamic Design Issues
Lift Low Reynolds Number Regime Slow Flight Requirements Drag Power Requirements Accurate Performance Predications Stability and Control Trimmability Roll Rate Derivatives

4 Low Reynolds Number Challenges
Separation Bubble-to be avoided! Laminar Flow -more Prone to Separation Airfoil Sections designed for Full-sized Aircraft don’t work well for below Rn=800,000 Our Aircraft Rn=100, ,000

5 Airfoil Selection Wing: Tail sections: Selig S1210 CLmax = 1.53
Incidence= 3 deg Tail sections: flat plate for Low Re Incidence = -5 deg

6 Drag Prediction Assume Parabolic Drag Polar Based on Empirical
Fit of Existing Aircraft

7 Parasite Drag Drag Build-up Method of Raymer
(Ref. Raymer eq & eq.12.30) Blasius’ Turbulent Flat Plate- Adjusted for Assumed Surface Roughness

8 Drag Polar Aircraft Drag Polar CL 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 Aircraft Drag Polar CL CD CDi CDo

9 Power Required Predict: Power required for cruise Battery energy for
15 20 25 30 35 40 16 18 22 24 26 28 32 Velocity [ft/s] Power Required [ft-lb/s] Predict: Power required for cruise Battery energy for

10 Aerodynamic Properties
Wetted area = sq.ft. Span Efficiency Factor = 0.75 CLa = / rad CL de = /rad L/Dmax = Vloiter = ft/s CLmax = CLcruise = Xcg = (% MAC) Static Margin = at Xcg = 0.35

11 Stability Diagram Cmcg CL elev deflect=-8 deg -4 4 8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
4 8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.1 0.3 CL Cmcg

12 Flow Simulation

13 Parasite Drag CDo for Wing and Tail surfaces
For Fuselage, booms & pods (Ref. Raymer eq & eq.12.33)

14 Tail Geometry Horizontal Tail: Area = 2.2 Span = 3.0ft Chord = 0.73ft
Vh = 0.50 Vertical Tail- 25% added Area = 1.75 sq.ft Span = 1.63 ft Chord = 0.60 ft Vv =

15 Control Surface Sizing:
Elevator Area Ratio = 0.30 Chord = 2.7 in. Rudder Area Ratio = 0.40 Single rudder of chord = 7.5 in. Ailerons Area Ratio = 0.10 Aileron chord = 3 in.

16 Equipment Layout & CG. Controls equipment Propulsion component
Rotation angle = 10deg Tip Back angle= 15deg Controls equipment Propulsion component Airframe component 17.54 in. Miscellaneous Weight

17 Equipment Layout (3-D)

18 Landing Loads Vland=1.3Vstall=25ft/s
g = -5 deg Vvert=2.2ft/s Vland=1.3Vstall=25ft/s For d = 1 in., k = 15.2 lb/in For 1 inch strut travel, peak load = 15.2 lb sspar = 240 psi on landing

19 Static Margin, Aerodynamic Center, and c.g.
Xac = 0.46 Xcg = 0.35 SM = 0.11

20 Horizontal and Vertical Tail Sizing
Vh - Horizontal tail volume coefficient = 0.50 Vv - Vertical tail volume coefficient = 0.044

21 Control Surface Sizing
Based on historical data from Roskam Part II Tables 8.1 and 8.2. Homebuilts Single Engine

22 Control Surface Sizing (cont.)
Sa = 1.35ft2 Sr = 0.80ft2 Se = 1.00ft2 Max. surface deflection is 15 deg.

23 Climb Performance Max. Climb Angle, G G = 7.3 deg.

24 Turning Performance Maximum turn rate r = 50ft Vmax = 28ft/s
Y= 0.28 rad/s

25 Propulsion Design Issues
Power Power required Power available Endurance Can we complete the mission Verification Motor test to take place this week

26 Power Power required is determined by aircraft
Power available comes from the motor

27 System Efficiencies Propeller Gearbox Motor Speed Controller 60-65%
95% Motor 90% Speed Controller Total System Efficiency 50.7%

28 System Components Propeller Gearbox Motor Speed Controller
Freudenthaler 16x15 and 14x8 folding Gearbox “MonsterBox” (6:1,7:1,9.6:1) Motor Turbo 10 GT (10 cells) Speed Controller MX-50

29 Economics Preliminary Design Testing 525 man-hours @ $75 = $39,375
$81.70 in materials

30 Economics Prototype Manufacturing Flight Testing
300 $75 = $22,500 $ in materials Flight Testing $900 Prototype manufacturing budget $200 max

31 The Budget

32 Total Project Cost The Bottom Line $67,024.05

33 Questions?

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