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Lesson 10 Quarter 3 What are the 7 common defense mechanisms that people choose to manage difficult emotions?

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 10 Quarter 3 What are the 7 common defense mechanisms that people choose to manage difficult emotions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 10 Quarter 3 What are the 7 common defense mechanisms that people choose to manage difficult emotions?

2 In Your Groups…  Read the scenarios with your group and match the emotion. Some scenarios may match more than one emotion.

3  Emotions are neither good nor bad. Learning to express emotions in a healthful way will not only help you cope with emotional upsets, but also helps those around you better handle their emotions. Managing Your Emotions…

4 In Your Journal… Write a poem describing a situation that was emotional for you. Include how you managed your emotions.

5 Dealing with Emotions  Some emotions are expressed through facial expressions (smile, hugging).  Some emotions are private (uncomfortable with feelings).  Some emotions are dealt with in harmful ways (hurt another person deliberately).

6 Defense Mechanisms Mental processes that protect individuals from strong or stressful emotions and situations Some people choose to manage difficult emotions By avoiding situations that make them uncomfortable.

7 Common Defense Mechanisms  Repression  Involuntarily pushing unpleasant feelings out of one’s mind  Regression  Returning to behaviors characteristic of a younger age, rather than dealing with problems in a mature manner.

8 Common Defense Mechanisms  Denial  Unconscious lack of recognition of something that is obvious to others.  Projection  Attributing your own feelings or faults onto another person or group.

9 Common Defense Mechanisms  Suppression  Consciously and intentionally pushing unpleasant feelings our of one’s mind.  Rationalization  Making excuses to explain a situation or behavior, rather than taking responsibility for it.

10 Common Defense Mechanisms  Compensation  Making up for weaknesses and mistakes through gift giving, hard work, or extreme efforts.  Relying on defense mechanisms too long can keep you from facing—and solving—what’s upsetting you.

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