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2.4 GUIDED NOTES. 6 COMMON EMOTIONS Love Anger Fear Guilt Happiness Sadness.

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Presentation on theme: "2.4 GUIDED NOTES. 6 COMMON EMOTIONS Love Anger Fear Guilt Happiness Sadness."— Presentation transcript:


2 6 COMMON EMOTIONS Love Anger Fear Guilt Happiness Sadness

3 WHEN EXPERIENCING A STRONG EMOTION… Put a name to the emotion Determine what triggered it Thing back to past times you felt the same way

4 A COPING STRATEGY is a way of dealing with an uncomfortable or unbearable feeling or situation

5 DEFENSE MECHANISMS are the ways people defend themselves against difficult feelings

6 COMMON DEFENSE MECHANISMS Compensation Making up for weaknesses in one area by excelling in another area

7 COMMON DEFENSE MECHANISMS Rationalization Making excuses for actions or feelings

8 COMMON DEFENSE MECHANISMS Denial Refusing to recognize the existence of an emotion or problem

9 COMMON DEFENSE MECHANISMS Reaction Formation Behaving in a way opposite to the way you’re feeling

10 COMMON DEFENSE MECHANISMS Projection Putting your own faults onto another person

11 COMMON DEFENSE MECHANISMS Regression Returning to immature behaviors to express emotions

12 COPING STRATEGIES Confront the situation head-on and deal with it Release built up energy by being active…taking a walk, exercising, cleaning, etc Take a break by reading a book, being creative

13 HARMFUL WAYS OF COPING Using alcohol Using drugs Acting out in a violent way Withdrawing from family and friends

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