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Defense Mechanisms. Freud’s view…. We use defense mechanisms to deal with the conflict between the id and superego. He has 7 of them, but his philosophy.

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Presentation on theme: "Defense Mechanisms. Freud’s view…. We use defense mechanisms to deal with the conflict between the id and superego. He has 7 of them, but his philosophy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Defense Mechanisms

2 Freud’s view…. We use defense mechanisms to deal with the conflict between the id and superego. He has 7 of them, but his philosophy is used in others as well.

3 Repression Basis for all the others Reduces anxiety by burring it Must be drawn out to heal

4 Regression Retreat to a more comfortable age What are your best memories from childhood? When were you safe? Sybil as a baby

5 Denial Refuse to admit something unpleasant is happening An addict says…I can do just one A teen says “it won’t happen to me.”

6 Reaction Formation An unacceptable impulse, causing an anxious person to express the opposite Middle school boy/girl hates you, pokes you, trips you….but he really likes you.

7 Projection Disguises feelings of guilt and anxiety by attributing them to others. “You are in a bad mood” really means, “I in a bad mood.”

8 Rationalization Displaces real explanations and uses more comfortable ones. I only smoke when I go out I can quit whenever I want Mrs. T and thighs

9 Displacement Shifts unacceptable impulse toward more acceptable or less threatening. Spouse yells at a teacher, teacher yells at student, student yells at little brother, little brother yells at the dog Sports

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