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Introduction | being clear | being responsible | being in business | being a leader | finally essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} { workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction | being clear | being responsible | being in business | being a leader | finally essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} { workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 introduction | being clear | being responsible | being in business | being a leader | finally essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} { workshop by anne + arun @ one group conference 2006 }

2 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} About us Joined as ONE Group reps in March 2004 No previous mlm experience Training and teaching background What ONE Group has allowed us to do… TO DO: intro to the person next to you & identify two things you wish to get from this workshop {introduction}

3 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} Our workshops “ Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare” – Japanese Proverb Two aspects to success: –HEAD or who you are being –HANDS or what you are doing Both are inherently linked This workshop looks at the first aspect only Our second workshop looks at the second aspect –Each is stand alone… {introduction}

4 introduction | being clear | being responsible | being in business | being a leader | finally The Power of Clarity “we will find only what we are looking for, nothing more nothing less” – Anonymous

5 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} Clarity of purpose Begin with the end in mind Eg of a house You need to see it… to know it and be familiar with it before you bring it into being Know what your own personal “success” is {being clear}

6 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} Finding your “why” What motivates you? What will keep you going through the challenges Get in touch with: –VALUES: principles that guide you –VISION: what you want to bring into being –GOALS: more tangible and accountable (covered more in next workshop) Will incorporate you, your family, your community and broader contribution Commit to it, befriend it and write it down {being clear}

7 introduction | being clear | being responsible | being in business | being a leader | finally being responsible “If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me” – Terri Gulick

8 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} Get ready to grow “Attitude is more important than ability in network marketing” – Mark & Rene Yarnell in Your First Year in Network Marketing Your business will only grow as fast as you because: –It’s based on you overcoming your blocks –It’s based on developing relationships with people You are working in the organic field… but primarily in the personal development field! {being responsible}

9 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} It’s about you Focus on solutions and avoid blame Learn to be proactive rather than reactive (see next workshop for more) Be accountable and compassionate with yourself Acknowledge your achievements Believe that you deserve success - this is about the lifelong journey of becoming friends with yourself {being responsible}

10 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} Work on You! Personal development is personal… but we have found some of the following useful: –Stephen Covey books/ recordings –Stephanie Dowrick books –Pema Chodran books/ recordings –NLP –Landmark Education –Meditation –Physical health - diet, exercise (mind/body) –Much, much, much more Get support: –Choose mentors/ role models –Be aware of your peer group and their impact {being responsible}

11 introduction | being clear | being responsible | being in business | being a leader | finally being in business “Business is a lot like a game of tennis… those who don’t serve well end up losing” – Doc Anklam

12 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} What do you think? TO DO: word associations… {being in business}

13 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} Common biz blocks Warning signs are comments such as: “I’m just doing this for education” “I’m just doing this because I love the products” “I’m not interested in earning an income” “I’ll just sign up customers and shops then see what happens…” Might be valid… but often due to blocks such as: –A job mentality (little appreciation of passive income) –Negative attitudes towards money –Negative attitudes towards network marketing {being in business}

14 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} Network marketing What do you really think about this business model? What do you think about having a business? What is your response when someone asks: “is this network marketing”? What is your response when you are asked what you do for a job? Our varied experience at expos and asking “have you heard of network marketing?” {being in business}

15 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} Networking ethically The way you approach people: –Be of service and never convince –Be genuinely interested in their story –Listen and ask questions –Inform and empower THEIR decision Know that the decision & responsibility is theirs, your role is to understand, inform and support Feel confident that what you have will be right for some people, so share where appropriate, with honesty and integrity The business of helping to empower people to reach their goals! {being in business}

16 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} Cash flow quadrant Robert Kiyosaki “Rich Dad Poor Dad” The quadrant: –E: Employee –S: Self Employed –B: Business –I: Investor Only B & I offer passive or residual income: –Do you have passive income? If you stopped work now how long would it be before you ran out of money? {being in business}

17 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} Your peer group TO DO: your peer group & the cash flow quadrant {being in business}

18 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} Passive income Nothing passive about passive income when you are creating it. = investing in building an income source “Keep your day job in the beginning - so you can reinvest what you make in your business. Network marketing works on the principle of delayed gratification. Invest 2 to 4 years then reap rewards for a lifetime” – Randy Gage in “How to Build a Multi Level Money Machine” Common confusions in new/ potential reps between: –Employee and business quadrants –Self Employed and business quadrants {being in business}

19 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} Business references Robert Kiyosaki: the Business School for people who like helping people DVD: The Perfect Biz Tim Sales: DVD/ CD: Brilliant Compensation Michael Oliver How to sell network marketing without fear, anxiety or losing your friends MLM Magazine – Mentors & peer group (upline) {being in business}

20 introduction | being clear | being responsible | being in business | being a leader | finally Being a leader “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Adams

21 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} It starts now See yourself as a leader from the day you join the business Don’t wait until you hit “Senior Executive”- it won’t happen without a leadership attitude “Fake it till you make it” has some truth… {being a leader}

22 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} Leadership qualities Being clear Being responsible Being in business (confident in network marketing) Teachable and therefore able to teach –The best teachers are the best students {being a leader}

23 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} You are a teacher Process of this business is study – do – teach Contrast a sales person with a teacher… Begin now – Approach this conference as though you need to explain it to someone else (this creates active participation) Your role as leader is to mentor, inspire, support and empower yourself out of your own job –Most of that is about who you are being… See John Kalench: Being the Best you can be in MLM for info on training your way to the top… {being a leader}

24 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} Support vs substitution “You can help a thousand, but you cannot carry three on your back” – Jim Rohn A rep’s fate will be detremined by their own action/ inaction/ attitude You can support but you cannot do it for them, always focus on empowering & training not just getting the job done You can be efficient with tasks but need to aim for effectiveness with people {being a leader}

25 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} Building Relationships Understand the critical difference between Dependency Independency Interdependency {being a leader}

26 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} Support tips Only build one leg under a rep below you Never do something that can be done by the rep Use three way calls always, cc emails always Encourage direct upline contact where appropriate Never promise to “do it for them” When they take a step be there to go with them… Information is power… so share it around Any bad habits you create now will be duplicated! {being a leader}

27 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} You are an example Be the change you want to see Lead by example - do the courses, read the books and talk about them with others Communicate your challenges but also how you are overcoming them When you are down call your upline… when you are up call your downline In your dealings avoid making yourself important or essential… instead make yourself redundant! {being a leader}

28 introduction | being clear | being responsible | being in business | being a leader | finally finally… The highlights…

29 essence of success {attitude, training + leadership} Bits to remember Know your “why” Work on yourself and begin to take responsibility Be honest about your attitudes to mlm and where required get help to shift them Understand the difference between a job & a business See yourself as a teacher / student now… Aim to empower rather than create dependencies Understand the power of interdependency {finally}

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