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Reproductive Assessment

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Presentation on theme: "Reproductive Assessment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reproductive Assessment
PN 2 Assessment Class

2 Reproduction Part of every complete physical assessment
Nurse needs to be comfortable with examination and non-judgmental Start with history Personal and family Diet Socioeconomic Cultural health practices

3 Female Exam Breast; axilla and lymph nodes
Genitalia and pelvic exam usually done at end of physical examination Client often apprehensive Lack of privacy and anticipation of pain or embarrassment may prevent woman from relaxing

4 Female Exam History Pelvic Breast External genitalia Internal exam

5 Diagnostic Tests Papanicolaou test (pap test) Blood tests Swabs Urine
Mamograms Scopes Biopsies

6 Male Exam History Examination of genitalia
Examination of inguinal hernia Examination of rectum and prostate

7 Diagnostic Test Prostate-specific antigen Semen analysis
STI and STD tests Biopsies

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