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Multimedia Storyboard: Rise to Innovative Developments in Assistive Technology Tosh Fomby.

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Presentation on theme: "Multimedia Storyboard: Rise to Innovative Developments in Assistive Technology Tosh Fomby."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multimedia Storyboard: Rise to Innovative Developments in Assistive Technology Tosh Fomby

2 Need: What problem or need existed that gave rise to your innovation? What problem or need existed that gave rise to this innovation?

3 Need: What problem or need existed that gave rise to your innovation? What research organization or people developed a solution to this problem or need? What were their findings? Who were the “lead thinkers” for this innovation, and how did they convince a manufacturer to produce it? Telecare offers remote care of elderly and vulnerable people, providing care and reassurance needed to allow them to remain living in their own homes. The use of sensors may be part of a package which can provide support for people with illnesses such as dementia, or people at risk of falling. (Wikipedia, 2009) In 1983, Gary Killiany was an undergraduate engineering student at Carnegie-Mellon University and volunteer at the Rehabilitation Institute of Pittsburgh. The convergence of these two interests led him to create a device that would allow a young woman with cerebral palsy that he’d met at the Rehabilitation Institute to “speak” for the first time in her life. (DynaVox Tech, 2009)

4 Need: What problem or need existed that gave rise to your innovation? Who was the intended audience for your innovation? Audience: People with speech/language deficits (Stroke patients, children with autism and/or intellectual delays with speech delays Modifying Communication How Strokes Affects the Body and Brain

5 Need: What problem or need existed that gave rise to your innovation? Production, manufacturing, packaging, marketing, and distribution of innovation. Three generations of the EyeTyper were marketed. The patent for the technology was sold to the US Navy and proceeds from the sale were reinvested into the company as its leaders sought to provide AAC solutions that would benefit more people.

6 Need: What problem or need existed that gave rise to your innovation? 1990 - 1995 Production, manufacturing, packaging, marketing, and distribution of innovation. First touch-screens were marketed.During this time, the company also distributed the DigiVox, an AAC tool combining recorded speech with changeable paper overlays.

7 Need: What problem or need existed that gave rise to your innovation? 1996 - 2000 Production, manufacturing, packaging, marketing, and distribution of innovation. The Dynamo The company name was changed to DynaVox Systems Inc. after a merger with Sunrise Medical in 1998. The name was changed to DynaVox Systems LLC in 1999. The Dynamo, the world’s first AAC device to marry digitized speech with a dynamic display debuted in 1999 The Dynamo also set the stage for international expansion.

8 Need: What problem or need existed that gave rise to your innovation? 1996 - 2000 Production, manufacturing, packaging, marketing, and distribution of innovation. Medicare begins covering AAC devices beginning January 1, 2001, thanks to a lobbying effort spearheaded by DynaVox. + MightyMo and MiniMo are introduced ; a new line of robust dynamic display, digitized devices featuring color screens. MightyMo

9 Need: What problem or need existed that gave rise to your innovation? Barriers to Diffusion Initially, Medicare did not cover expenses incurred for using devices. Expenses were costly for individuals of low to median income levels. Another obstacle was developing devices for children with severely low cognition. Devices were eventually designed for various cognition levels. MightyMo

10 Need: What problem or need existed that gave rise to your innovation? Key change agents in organization, and how can the seven roles of a change agent be used effect positive social change. It takes a specialized team of stakeholders to invest the time and effort necessary to make alternative augmen- tative communication devices accessible to children and patients in need. Psychologists, parents, teachers, speech patholo- gists, Dynavox Tech and other related companies have been primary advocates.

11 Need: What problem or need existed that gave rise to your innovation? Need For Innovation. Establishing as much independence as possible allows a better quality of life. The enactment of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) states that all children will have general access to a standard curriculum, making AAC devices a vital and necessary teaching tool. It is a legal obligation in special education to grant students equal access and opportunities as their non-disabled peers.

12 Need: What problem or need existed that gave rise to your innovation? References DynaVox Tech. (2009). The history of dynavox mayer-johnson. Retrieved from Wikipedia. (2009, December 6). Telecare. Retrieved from

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