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WRITING TO INFORM The Report You will need to select select and organise organise information.

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3 You will need to select select and organise organise information

4 Can I find the right style? What do I do?

5 The Five Elements Factual informationFactual informationFactual informationFactual information Formal StyleFormal StyleFormal StyleFormal Style Formal LanguageFormal LanguageFormal LanguageFormal Language Logical paragraph structureLogical paragraph structureLogical paragraph structureLogical paragraph structure Appropriate introduction and conclusionAppropriate introduction and conclusionAppropriate introduction and conclusionAppropriate introduction and conclusion

6 You are going to learn how to restrict yourself to the facts use formal style and structure cluster and organise information introduce and conclude a report plan, organise and write your report

7 The Big Picture The big report on your secondary school

8 The purpose of your report is is to give information to primary seven pupils who will be attending this school this next year. to inform audiencepurpose

9 Kinloch is a village at the foot of the Campsies Kinloch is a poky wee village near Glasgow Formal writing uses uses facts not opinions Facts not Opinions

10 Facts should be accurate opinions are often often vague many ancient houses were still standing Moss on the walls and all the houses looked the same

11 does formal style mean? Use precise facts Write in the third person

12 The buildings have been unchanged for centuries, though elements of decay are now present You should have seen the moss on the walls. It’s ready to fall down formal?informal?

13 STYLE AND TONE Writing a report STYLE AND TONE Thumbs Up formal tone precise information impersonal tone factual information formal English Thumbs Down informal tone vague information personal comments “flowery language” slang/colloquial terms

14 LANGUAGE TIPS Writing a report LANGUAGE TIPS Thumbs Up present tense sentences full stops/ capital letters reported speech full forms of words it(it is is not it’s) Thumbs Down past tense non sentences exclamation marks direct speech shortening of words

15 Planning your Report What word in the TITLE is a useful keyword Brainstorming: Get things down on paper so you can organise your ideas.

16 Brainstorming: coming up with ideas that you can use Listing: size – big location –in town pupils – S1 – S6 facilities library computers fuel zone School Brainstorming

17 Clustering: mapping out ideas lots of subjects uniform school FuelZone pupils computers lots of subjects teachers headteacher library S1–S6 BIG clubs friends

18 Building up your Report introduction main text (logical sequence) conclusion

19 structure the report I. Introduction grab attention state purpose of report II.Body build up facts logical paragraphs linked to similar ideas III.Conclusion summarise main points

20 INTRODUCTION YourYour first sentence must include your topic NowNow introduce the aspects you are going to discuss

21 Opening sentence: Opening sentence:introduce topic Next steps: list all linked aspects for discussion............ Keep it straightforward! Keep it factual! Keep it straightforward! “ Supercool “ Supercool is a large secondary school school in the centre of the city...”

22 Supercool Secondary Secondary School is a large secondary school school in the west sector of Metropolis. Metropolis. It takes both boys and girls. There are approximately 800 pupils in the school, ranging from first year to sixth year. As well as the Head Teacher, there are Heads of Department for every subject and about fifty teachers overall.

23 The school uniform is mostly purple and blue in colour. Boys wear blue trousers and purple sweatshirts. Girls have the choice of blue trousers or skirt, and a purple top. The school logo is printed on the sweatshirts.

24 The Body or Main Section DecideDecide what is most important ClusterCluster your ideas together OrganiseOrganise your information logically locations? Facilities rules homework

25 ConclusionTie up the main points by linking to the purpose of the writing Students at Supercool Secondary hope that the pupils from all associated primaries are looking forward to starting their secondary school life in the Autumn, and that the information given in this report will be helpful to them.

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