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CDMO Conference 21 st & 22 nd January 2010. Total Budget = 11.77(Crore)

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Presentation on theme: "CDMO Conference 21 st & 22 nd January 2010. Total Budget = 11.77(Crore)"— Presentation transcript:

1 CDMO Conference 21 st & 22 nd January 2010

2 Total Budget = 11.77(Crore)

3 100 % 48 %

4 Physical Achievement till Dec’09 Sl No. Name of the Training Target 09-10Achievement till Dec’09 Percentage of Achievement 1IMNCI Training4800335769.9 2EmOC Training161062.5 3LSAS Training361438.9 4SAB Training 15days (SN) 80029336.6 521 days ( ANM/LHV) 10001187118.7 621 days (AYUSH) 25014959.60 7BADA training31431098

5 Physical Achievement till Dec’09 Sl No. Name of the Training Target 09-10Achievement till Dec’09 Percentage of Achievement 8State Level TOT on Alternative Training Methodology in IUCD 240 21087.5 9State Level RTI/STI 11 100 10State Level TOT on SAB 60 5083.3 11Induction Training of AYUSH Doctors PHC/CHCs 120 10184.1 12Induction Training for AYUSH PHC(New) 1162 63054.2

6 Physical Achievement till Dec’09 Sl No. Name of the Training Target 09-10Achievement till Dec’09 Percentage of Achievement 13MTP46 00 14MINILAP51 00 15IUCD Dist level60 00 16NSV20 315 17Laparoscopy30 310 18RTI/STI District level 7 00 NB:- Funds already provided by SIH&FW, Orissa. CDMOs are requested to Complete the training by March’10.

7 Suggestions for SSD training Linking to CAMPS in case of NSV and Minilap Teams to be selected for LAPAROSCOPIC Sterilization from beginning of the year Minilap and MTP training to be clubbed Sufficient IEC before the trainings

8 8 Major IssuesFunctionalization of DTUs Functionalization of FRUs through posting of LSAS and EmOC trained doctors 100% implementation of IMNCI training. SSD trainings linking to camps Strategy to addressPosting of Doctors as per the option given by the trainees. Partnership with NGOs Accreditation of Corporate and Pvt. Hospitals. Monitoring of PPC actvities. Way forward


10 Projection of Major Training Programmes - FY:09-10 Sl No. ActivityTarget (Person) Fund Allocation (in Lakhs) 1.TOT on SAB Training 400.40 2.15days hands on trg. on SAB 1020101.24 3.21days hands on trg. on SAB incl. AYUSH Doctor 1550246.96 4.Emoc Trg. for MOs. 166.12 5.LSAS Trg. for MOs. 368.70 6.Trg. of MOs on RTI & STI 1751.00 7.Blood storage Trg. for MOs & LTs 600.81 8.IMNCI Trg. For AWW, LHV 4800252.00 9.Laparoscopy sterilization Trg. for MOs 18611.28

11 Sl No. ActivityTarget (Nos.) Fund Allocation (in Lakhs) 10Minilap Trg. for MOs26718.34 11NSV Trg. for MOs1704.35 12.Trg. on IUD Insertion151034.80 13.Trg. of DPMU Staff500.98 14.Induction Trg. of Block Accountant & Data Asst. 31410.52 15.Orientation on NRHM to Faculty members 1252.46 16.Induction Trg. of AYUSH doctors116213.75 17.Integrated Trg. of LTs601.20 Contd…..

12 New Training Programmes(09-10) Sl No ActivityTarget (Nos.) Fund Allocation (in Lakhs) 1.10 days SAB Trg. for MOs30015.00 2.Pre-IMNCI Trg. at ANMTC, LHVTC and GNM School and Nursing College 72436.80 3.15 days Trg. of FBNC for Doctors, Staff Nurse under SNCU-1, and SNCU-II 44428.50 4.HBNC Trg. of ANM, TBA and ASHA30849.00 5.State & District level Trg. on database management and software. 140011.80 6.Trg. on VHND and Pustikar Divas33440.40 7.Trg. for MOs, LHV & ANM on IUCD (Alt. Method) 97030.15

13 Sl No ActivityTarget (Nos.) Fund Allocation (in Lakhs) 8.Trg. for Pharmacist3003.12 9.Trg. on Quality Assurance for programme officer of State and District level 604.00 10.Trg. of Programme officers on HR management issues in health 302.00 11.Leadership Trg. of ADMOs904.50 12.Pre-SAB Trg. for ANMTC, LHVTC, Nursing school and colleges 68012.06 13.Pre-SAB Trg. for Govt. allopathic medical students 4506.75 14.State / dist. level Trg. on GIS Software package. 2004.60 Contd…..

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