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1. How many days did Jesus spend in the wilderness?

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Presentation on theme: "1. How many days did Jesus spend in the wilderness?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. How many days did Jesus spend in the wilderness?

2 2. How many books are in the bible?

3 3. How many loaves and fishes did Jesus use to feed 5000?

4 4. On which day of creation did God rest?

5 5. How many disciples were there?

6 6. How long was Jonah in the belly of a fish for?

7 7. How many times did Peter deny Jesus?

8 8. How many rocks did David choose before his fight with Goliath?

9 9. How many commandments were given to Moses?

10 10. How many pieces of silver did Judas get for betraying Jesus?

11 1. How many days did Jesus spend in the wilderness? Answer: 40

12 2. How many books are in the bible? Answer: 66

13 3. How many loaves and fishes did Jesus use to feed 5000? Answer: 5 loaves 2 fishes

14 4. On which day of creation did God rest? Answer: 7th

15 5. How many disciples were there? Answer: 12

16 6. How long was Jonah in the belly of a fish for? Answer: 3 days and 3 nights

17 7. How many times did Peter deny Jesus? Answer: 3

18 8. How many rocks did David choose before his fight with Goliath? Answer: 5

19 9. How many commandments were given to Moses? Answer: 10

20 10. How many pieces of silver did Judas get for betraying Jesus? Answer: 30

21 How many did you get correct?

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