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Key elements for operating and managing a CIS Cora Honing, Dutch Cancer Society, Amsterdam Montreal 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Key elements for operating and managing a CIS Cora Honing, Dutch Cancer Society, Amsterdam Montreal 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key elements for operating and managing a CIS Cora Honing, Dutch Cancer Society, Amsterdam Montreal 2012

2 CONDITIONS 1: The contribution of your CIS to the mission, objectives and targets of your organization Influences The position of CIS in your organization The budget available for your CIS

3 CONDITIONS 2: Position of CIS in your organization Part of the patient support department Part of the communication department Part of services department

4 CONDITIONS 3: Strategic plan: development of your CIS Translation to an annual operational plan

5 OPERATIONAL PLAN Staffing Facilities and equipment Data collection and evaluation Promotion Budget

6 STAFFING Workpackage of staff members/diversity of tasks Super-/ intervision Training:’education permanent’ Feedback eg. call monitoring, registration Recognition

7 FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Work station ICT Database Accessibility of service

8 DATA COLLECTION AND EVALUATION Define purpose of the data collection 1: Quality control 2: Meeting your targets 3: Finding gaps 4: identifying new areas of service IMPORTANT: FEEDBACK TO AND DISCUSSION WITH STAFF: COMMITMENT

9 PROMOTION Define objectives Define internal and external stakeholders Define key message and channels (budget)

10 BUDGET Operational costs depend on the scope of your services and the size of the population that could use your services Staff costs: professionals and or volunteers Infrastructure Important question: CIS in or out sourced?

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