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A Project of the Washington CARES About Cancer Partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "A Project of the Washington CARES About Cancer Partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Project of the Washington CARES About Cancer Partnership

2  Why Screen for Colon Cancer?  What is 80% by 2018?  What is the Employer Challenge?  Your Steps to Success.  Tools and Other Resources.

3  Anyone can get colon cancer - # 3 most commonly diagnosed cancer, # 2 leading cause of cancer death  Screening can save lives - but only if people get tested - One third of adults 50+ are not screened - Early detection five year survival = 90% - Only 40% of cases diagnosed at this stage - Late detection five year survival = 13% 1 in 20

4  Regular screening, beginning at age 50, is the key  Colon cancer almost always develops from precancerous polyps  Screening tests can find precancerous polyps, so that they can be removed before they turn into cancer.

5  Nation-wide initiative led by the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (NCCRT)  Goal: 80% of 50+ by 2018  Employers have critical role!

6  Encourages Washington employers to help achieve colon cancer screening goal  Engages your employees and community through education and activities.  Move from 64% screening rates to 80% by 2018

7 Why reach out to employers?  160 million Americans (50%) have health insurance through corporate health plans.  Direct medical expenses and indirect costs related to cancer cost employers thousands of dollars each year. For more information: C-Change, MAKING THE BUSINESS CASE: How Engaging Employees in Preventive Care Can Reduce Healthcare Costs, Spring 2008 Total cost$216.6 billion Direct medical costs (total of all health expenditures) $86.6 billion Indirect mortality costs (cost of lost productivity due to premature death) $130.0 billion

8 Why reach out to employers?  149 million Americans (55%) have health insurance through company sponsored health plans  Direct medical expenses and indirect costs related to cancer cost employers thousands of dollars each year. For more information: C-Change, MAKING THE BUSINESS CASE: How Engaging Employees in Preventive Care Can Reduce Healthcare Costs, Spring 2008 Total cost$216.6 billion Direct medical costs (total of all health expenditures) $86.6 billion Indirect mortality costs (cost of lost productivity due to premature death) $130.0 billion

9 Accept the challenge and enroll now! Commit Baseline screening rates Screening coverage under company insurance plans Learn Use the tool box to meet your needs Promote screenings twice a year Promote Track your screening rates;report in June of each year Track Share results with your employees, project contact and community Share Your Steps to Success


11 Policy Flex time for screenings Reminders Birthday card reminders Partner with your insurance company Awareness Open enrollment Flyers, posters, internal web portals Events Lunch & learn Dress in BLUE day Colon Cancer Awareness (March)

12  80% by 2018 Information  Colon cancer information  Print materials (postcards, flyers, infographics, posters.)  Sample workplace policies  Sample action plans  Email Templates  Social media messaging Go to 80% by 2018 Employer Challenge at

13 Cynthia Eichner American Cancer Society 206-674-4177 Steven Garrett Washington State Department of Health 360-236-3675 Anita Mitchell Isler Colon STARS 206-778-3532 For more information, contact:

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