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Poetry Jeopardy Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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2 Poetry Jeopardy Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Forms 1 What form doesn’t have a regular pattern of rhyme or rhythm?

4 $100 Answer from Forms 1 Free verse

5 $200 Question from Forms 1 What does a narrative poem do?

6 $200 Answer from Forms 1 It tells a story.

7 $300 Question from Forms 1 How many lines does a cinquain have?

8 $300 Answer from Forms 1 5

9 $400 Question from Forms 1 What are the two possible subjects of a ballad ?

10 $400 Answer from Forms 1 A famous character or event

11 $500 Question from Forms 1 What is a diamante poem meant to do?

12 $500 Answer from Forms 1 It is meant to show change.

13 $100 Question from Forms 2 What is Japanese lyric poetry?

14 $100 Answer from Forms 2 Haiku

15 $200 Question from Forms 2 What is lyric poetry?

16 $200 Answer from Forms 2 It’s the most musical type of poetry. It shows the thoughts & feelings of one speaker.

17 $300 Question from Forms 2 What is the name of a shape poem?

18 $300 Answer from Forms 2 It is a concrete poem.

19 $400 Question from Forms 2 What is a stanza?

20 $400 Answer from Forms 2 It is a paragraph of poetry.

21 $500 Question from Forms 2 What is a group of 4 lines of verse with a rhyme scheme of aabb, abab, abba, or abcb?

22 $500 Answer from Forms 2 A quatrain

23 $100 Question from Rhyme What is the pattern of stressed & unstressed syllables in a line of poetry?

24 $100 Answer from Rhyme Rhythm

25 $200 Question from Rhyme What is internal rhyme?

26 $200 Answer from Rhyme Rhyme inside a line of poetry

27 $300 Question from Rhyme What is a rhymed pair of lines in a poem?

28 $300 Answer from Rhyme Couplet

29 $400 Question from Rhyme What are two types of poems that do not have rhyme?

30 $400 Answer from Rhyme Free verse, haiku, cinquain, or diamante

31 $500 Question from Rhyme How do you figure out the rhyme scheme of a poem?

32 $500 Answer from Rhyme You look at the last word of each line & assign it a letter of the alphabet. Every rhyming word gets the same letter. Words that do not rhyme get the next letter of the alphabet.

33 $100 Question from Examples What is an example of an onomatopoeia?

34 $100 Answer from Examples Any word that is a sound is an onomatopoeia.

35 $200 Question from Examples What is an example of a simile?

36 $200 Answer from Examples It must be a comparison that uses like, as, as if, or resembles.

37 $300 Question from Examples What is an example of personification?

38 $300 Answer from Examples The sentence must give human qualities to something that is not human.

39 $400 Question from Examples What is an example of a metaphor?

40 $400 Answer from Examples It must be a comparison that does not use like, as, as if, or resembles.

41 $500 Question from Examples What is an example of a hyperbole?

42 $500 Answer from Examples It must be an exaggeration.

43 $100 Question from ? What is mood?

44 $100 Answer from ? It is the feeling that the reader gets from reading the poem.

45 $200 Question from ? What do examples of imagery appeal to?

46 $200 Answer from ? They appeal to the 5 senses Sight, smell, sound, touch, & taste.

47 $300 Question from ? What is the alliteration in the following line? “And all across the continent the endless campfires glowed.”

48 $300 Answer from ? The C sound in continent & campfires is the alliteration.

49 $400 Question from ? What does tone mean?

50 $400 Answer from ? It is the author’s attitude about the subject of the poem.

51 $500 Question from ? What is figurative language?

52 $500 Answer from ? Words & phrases used to express more than their dictionary meaning. They convey vivid images.

53 Final Jeopardy What does consonance mean?

54 Final Jeopardy Answer It is a similarity between consonants, especially at the ends of words.

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