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The History of Infopeople 60,000 BC to the Present.

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Presentation on theme: "The History of Infopeople 60,000 BC to the Present."— Presentation transcript:

1 The History of Infopeople 60,000 BC to the Present

2 In the beginning…

3 60,000 years or so later… Computers!!

4 Then a brilliant idea was born Train librarians in the use of this new-fangled thing called the INTERNET on those COMPUTERS!

5 And they came up with… We Be Peeps Peeps R Us Infolibs Library Schmibrary INJABA (It’s Not Just About Books Anymore) none of which quite worked

6 Then they had a brainstorm… Information for the People RIGHT ON! hmm… kind of wordy, and a little too, uh, Berkeley-in-the-Sixties sounding

7 So they tried shortening it a bit… o InFORP - hmmm, too much like a burp o InFoPRO - closer, but too much like software o InFoPeople - hey… THAT’S IT!

8 And the first thing they did was… …get a bunch of computers MADE by some guy in a cabin somewhere and then fly them to libraries - oh, and give them Internet connectivity to boot!!

9 We’ve come a long way… We dropped the capital F and capital P (yes, we spell it Infopeople now…) We’ve worked our way through several State Librarians…

10 And we’ve conducted: Over 2500 on-ground workshops Broadcast more than 70 webcasts Offered more than 25 online courses What will the future hold, you wonder?


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