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Safety and Responsibility - Young workers between the age of 15 and 24 are 33% more likely to be injured on the job than any other working group. - In.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety and Responsibility - Young workers between the age of 15 and 24 are 33% more likely to be injured on the job than any other working group. - In."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety and Responsibility - Young workers between the age of 15 and 24 are 33% more likely to be injured on the job than any other working group. - In Canada 1 in every 7 young workers is injured on the job - On PEI 5 young workers are injured every week What do you think contributes to young workers high injury rate? unsafe work practices

2 What are some unsafe work practices? (things that one can do to cause injury at work)? Out side of control Inside control nature of task lack of orientation lack of training lack of supervision environment harrassement personal behavior personal attitude fatigue stress substance abuse absenteeism complacency frustration rushing poor nutrition peer pressure horse play



5 Main categories of injuries: 1-Slips/trips/falls 2-overexertion 3-struck by and object or against an object 4-exposure to chemicals 5-burns Most common injuries of young workers: 1-sprains and strains 2-soft tissue injuries (cuts, punctures, bruises) 3-Bone fractures 4-inflammation of the joints 5-burns or scalds

6 Video Lost Youth

7 Journal- Write about your own work experience and talk about observations about workplace safety.

8 "4 Categories of Hazards" Physical hazards- include electrical currents, heat, vibrations, noise, radiation,stress, and harasement Chemical hazards- battery acids, cleaning supplies Biological Hazards- bacteria, viruses, dusts, animal bites Ergonomic Hazards- (work design)-lighting, repetitive movements, work stations.

9 THREE Key Steps to Controlling a hazard STOP!- What is unsafe? How many unsafe acts or conditions are there? What are the hazards? THINK!-Why is it a hazardous situation? What could happen? What is creating the hazard? What injuries could occur? Do!- What could be done to prevent an accident from happening? What could minimize the risk? What could be done to eliminate or minimize the hazard?

10 It only Takes a second Video

11 Workplace Pictures Activity

12 Questions Sheets

13 I think a workplace for me is one with these characteristics:

14 Rights and Responsibilities of the Employer and Employee Rights= Responsibilities= an entitlement to something, whether to concepts like justice and due process, or to ownership of property or some interest in property, real or personal. These rights include various freedoms, protection against interference with enjoyment of life and property, The obligation to answer for an act done, and to repair any injury it may have caused. The state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone

15 Rights and Responsibilities at school RightsResponsibilities

16 Where can we go to find out more information about work place rights? Employment Centers School or community career centers Workers compensation Board (WCB) web site Work Supervisor Health and Safety Representative Library

17 Rights and Responsibilities T chart Workers RightsWorkers Responsibilities Employer Rights Employer Responsibilities

18 Handouts: "Workers' Health and Safety Rights and Responsibilities in the Work Place" "Employers' Health and Safety Rights and Responsibilities in the Work Place" Can we add anything to our T charts? Is their anything that surprised you?


20 ROLE PLAY How effective was the worker in conveying their safety concern? How responsive was the employer? What would you do if faced with such a response from your employer?

21 What would you do if you were asked to perform unsafe work? ? ? ?

22 Steps for Refusing Unsafe work 1. Prepare Well! Plan what you are going to say Have your facts straight Stick to your main points 2. Propose a solution Don't just complain-your supervisor may tell you there is nothing they can do Proposing a solution enables your employer to be more likely to respond 3. Think of how the problem affects your employer, and how solving it might benefit them! Supervisors respond better to solutions that benefit them and the employees (injury prevention saves both time and money) 4.Be assertive, not aggressive! Threats and insults are not effective stay level headed 5. Get Support! Strength in numbers If you aren't sure about your rights call the WCB or JOSH Rep Talk to others for support (family friends) talk to boss directly, only go above their heads if you spoke with them first and safety concern was not dealt with

23 Identify the PPE

24 1.Non-skidd, low heeled footwear- 2.Eye and ear protection- 3. Covering of exposed skin, protective clothing- 4. Secure ladder- 5. Respirator- 6. Gloves- 7.Mask- 8. Wrist rest- 9. Anti-glare screen- 10. Safety device (guard on saw)- Which goes with which Scenario????

25 Who is responsible for providing specialized safety gear and clothing?? The Employer

26 Slide Show Research Lab Assignment- Your Career Sl ide 1-Make a Title page with what your career is and your name Slide 2- Include and intro. slide that describes what your job entails Slide 3- Make a list of 5 possible work place hazards associated with that career Beside each hazards note what type it is: (Physical, Chemical, Biological, Ergonomical) Slide 4- List the types of PPE that can be worn to reduce the risk associated with those hazards Slide 5-Strategies that can be used at your chosen job to reduce risk Slide 6-List 3 places where you can find information about workers right/responsibilities and employers rights and responsibilities for your job.

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