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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 15 COUNSELING AMERICAN INDIANS AND ALASKAN NATIVES."— Presentation transcript:


2 American Indians American Indians have suffered greatly as a result of: colonization disease land distribution

3 Cultural Loss  Culture and language were systematically striped from over 125,000 tribes  Stripping American Indians of their culture, has lead to high rates of alcoholism

4 The American Indian and the Alaskan Native  This is a very heterogeneous group  Some families are matriarchal and some are patriarchal in orientation

5 Tribe and Reservation  Indians see themselves an extension of their tribe  Tribe and reservation provide American Indians with a sense of belonging and security, forming an interdependent system  Status and rewards are obtained by adherence to tribal structure  The reservation itself is very important for many American Indians, even among those who do not reside there  Indians who leave the reservation to seek greater opportunities often lose their sense of personal identity, since they lose their tribal identity

6 Specific Problem Areas for American Indians/Alaskan Natives  Sharing  Noninterference  Time Orientation  Spirituality  Nonverbal Communication

7 Acculturation  Traditional. The individual may speak little English, thinks in the native language, and practices traditional tribal customs and methods of worship.  Marginal. The individual may speak both languages but has lost touch with his or her cultural heritage and is not fully accepted in mainstream society.  Bicultural. The person is conversant with both sets of values and can communicate in a variety of contexts.

8 Acculturation  Assimilated. The individual embraces only the mainstream culture’s values, behaviors, and expectations.  Pantraditional. Although the individual has only been exposed to or adopted mainstream values, he or she has made a conscious effort to return to the “old ways.”

9 Guidelines for Clinical Practice Before working with American Indians, explore ethnic differences and values Determine the cultural identity of the client and family members and their association with a tribe or a reservation Understand the history of oppression, and be aware of or inquire about local issues associated with the tribe or reservation for traditionally oriented American Indians Evaluate using a client-¬centered listening style initially and determine when to use more structure and questions Assess the problem from the perspective of the individual, family, extended family, and, if appropriate, the tribal community

10 Guidelines for Clinical Practice If necessary, address basic needs first, such as problems involving food, shelter, child care, and employment--identify possible resources such as Indian Health Services or tribal programs Be careful not to overgeneralize, but evaluate for problems such as domestic violence, substance abuse, depression, and suicidality during assessment and determine the appropriateness of a mind-¬body-¬spirit emphasis Identify possible environmental contributors to problems such as racism, discrimination, poverty, and acculturation conflicts Help children and adolescents determine whether cultural values or an unreceptive environment contribute to their problem

11 Guidelines for Clinical Practice Help determine concrete goals that incorporate cultural, family, extended family, and community perspectives Determine whether child-rearing practices are consistent with traditional Indian methods and how they may conflict with mainstream methods. In family interventions, identify extended family members, determine their roles, and request their assistance Generate possible solutions with the clients and consider their consequences from the individual, family, and community perspectives. Include strategies that may involve cultural elements and that focus on holistic factors (mind, body, spirit)


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