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WP2001 CPA4 Towards Dependable and Survivable Systems and Infrastructures Baton holder ANDREA SERVIDA European Commission DG Information Society C-4 e-mail:

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1 WP2001 CPA4 Towards Dependable and Survivable Systems and Infrastructures Baton holder ANDREA SERVIDA European Commission DG Information Society C-4 e-mail:

2 Towards Dependable and Survivable Systems and Infrastructures Objective: To develop and validate new approaches and technologies aimed at enhancing the dependability and survivability of the global information infrastructure, including requirements of and applicability to application domains of general interest (e.g. environment monitoring, transport, health, etc.).  build and manage dependability properties of large-scale infrastructures  model and manage dependability and survivability of globally interdependent systems and interconnected critical infrastructures  measure, verify and monitor dependability properties  international co-operation on R&D

3 Builds on the work and achievements in the previous two Worprogrammes, precisely *WP1999-CPA2 on Dependability in services and technologies - # 7 projects (~ 15 Meuro funding) *WP2000-CPA4 on Large scale systems survivability - # 6 projects (~ 12 Meuro funding) Relates also to the eEurope action on dependability of information infrastructures WP2001 CPA4

4 WP1999 - CPA2 Results –MAFTIA intrusion tolerance paradigm in largely distributed and heterogeneous systems –DSOS dependable composition of systems-of-systems –SAFEAIR and MATISSE novel processes for embedded systems design –HARP web security for largely systems –FIT and AMATISTA design and evaluation of fault tolerant circuits

5 WP2000 - CPA4 Results –CAUTION secure and reliable systems for capacity and resource management for future cellular networks –DEPAUDE dependability architectures & methods for embedded automation systems in dynamic environments –EXAMINE global management and control systems for electrical networks –DBENCH define and validate dependability benchmarks for COTS-based systems, focusing on embedded and transactional applications –CORAS development of a framework and tools to assure dependability of integrated large scale systems –CABERNET network of excellence on dependability technology research

6 International Collaboration The existing Science & Technology Agreement provide the framework. Rationale for collaboration - The Global Information Infrastructure, which includes networking infrastructure, standard protocols and components, massively networked embedded systems, etc., results in global dependability concerns. There are significant technical and non-technical issues that due to their scale would benefit from joint exploitation of wider and diverse pool of skills and resources. Progressing is the dialogue with the USA (CIP, DARPA, NSF).

7 The EC/USA dialogue 4 EC/USA Workshop of Dependability Experts, Venice, April 1999 4 Joint Task Force on CIP - EC/US Joint Consultative Group of the S&T Co-operation Agreement 4 Joint Session on CIP - 2nd EU-US Conference, “New vistas for transatlantic S&T collaboration”, June 1999 in Stuttgart 4 Working Workshop at the IST'99 Conference, Helsinki, November 1999

8 Activities with the USA 4 Linking initiatives on dependability and CIP 4 A study on dependability & complexity 4 Project Workshops with DARPA on “Information Assurance and Survivability” & “Attack tolerance“ 4 Project Workshop with DoE on “Interdependencies” 4 Information Session at the International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks 2000.  Panel at the Information Survivability Workshop 2000 4 Transatlantic R&D Projects cluster on dependability - under construction

9 4 The European Council in Feira (19-20 June 2000) adopted the Action Plan eEurope 2002 - An Information Society for All Objectives –Bring every citizen, school, business and administration on-line - quickly! –Create a digitally literate and entrepreneurial Europe –Ensure an inclusive information society

10 1. A cheaper, faster and secure Internet a) Cheaper and faster Internet access b) Faster Internet for researchers and students c) Secure networks and smart cards 2. Investing in people and skills a) European youth into the digital age b) Working in the knowledge-based economy c) Participation for all in the knowledge-based economy 3. Stimulate the use of the Internet a) Accelerating e-commerce b) Government online: electronic access to public services c) Health online d) Digital content for global networks e) Intelligent transport systems

11 One of the actions in the area of “Secure networks and smart cards” aims to improve the overall security of on-line transactions by (among others): –Stimulating public/private co-operation on dependability of information infrastructures (including the development of early warning systems) and improve co-operation amongst national 'computer emergency response teams'

12 Web sites 4 WP2001 - CPA4 Web site – 4 Dependability HUB – 4 Deppy Forum (new) –

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