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Overview of SC 32/WG 2 Standards Projects Supporting Semantics Management Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 14:45 to 15:30 13 April 2005 Larry Fitzwater.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of SC 32/WG 2 Standards Projects Supporting Semantics Management Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 14:45 to 15:30 13 April 2005 Larry Fitzwater."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of SC 32/WG 2 Standards Projects Supporting Semantics Management Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 14:45 to 15:30 13 April 2005 Larry Fitzwater U.S. Environmental Protection Agency & ISO/IEC JTC 1/ SC 32/WG 2 Convener

2 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 2 Abstract  This presentation will give an overview of the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/WG 2 work on metadata registries, common logic, metamodel framework, and other projects. This includes work to extend the ISO/IEC 11179 metadata registry standard to handle complex concept structures. It will discuss liaisons with TC 37, OMG, W3C and other organizations.

3 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 3 What is Metadata?  Metadata is data about data  It’s just plain, ordinary, everyday, garden variety data  It is found in documents, messages, images, sound streams, data sets, Web sites and videos  It provides information about the data or resource

4 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 4 Why is Metadata Important?  Promotes clearer understanding  Helps users find information  Promotes more efficient use/reuse of information  Promotes better data management

5 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 5 How Does Organized Metadata Promote Better Data Management?  Provides a consistent model for capturing data about data  Captured in one place  Provides details on the custodian of the data  Links directly to online data  Reduces risk of duplicating data collections

6 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 6 What is the Role of a Data Registry?  Keeps facts necessary to clearly describe, inventory, analyze, and classify data  Supports data standards development process and distribution  Provides a source of well-formed data elements and value domains  Promotes the reuse of data in Agency systems and beyond  Enables data sharing, data integration, and data comparability  Serves as the central source of metadata information about Agency data

7 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 7 Published Standards Metadata Registry  ISO/IEC 11179-1:2004 Information Technology -- Metadata Registries (MDR) - Part 1: Framework  ISO/IEC 11179-2:2000 Information technology – Specification and standardization of data elements - Part 2: Classification for data elements  ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 Information technology -- Metadata Registries (MDR) - Part 3, Registry Metamodel and basic attributes  ISO/IEC 11179-4:2004Information Technology – Metadata Registries (MDR) - Part 4: Formulation of data definitions  ISO/IEC 11179-5:1995Information technology – Specification and standardization of data elements - Part 5: Naming and identification principles for data elements  ISO/IEC 11179-6:2005Information Technology – Metadata Registries (MDR) - Part 6: Registration  ISO/IEC TR 20943-1Information technology – Achieving Metadata Registry Content Consistency - Part 1: Data elements  ISO/IEC TR 20943-3Information technology – Achieving Metadata Registry Content Consistency - Part 3: Value Domains

8 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 8 Published Standards -continued- Conceptual Schema  ISO TR 9007:1987 Information processing systems - Concepts and Terminology for the Conceptual Schema and the Information Base Structure for the Identification of Organizations  ISO/IEC 6523-1:1998 Information technology - Structure for the identification of organizations and organization parts – Part 1: Identification of organization schemes  ISO/IEC 6523-2:1998 Information technology - Structure for the identification of organizations and organization parts - Part 2: Registration of organization identification schemes

9 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 9 Published Standards -continued- Code Sets & Representation  ISO/IEC 5218:2004 Information technology - Codes for the representation of human sexes ISO/IEC TR 9789:1994 Information technology - Guidelines for the organization and representation of data elements for data interchange - Coding methods and principles  ISO/IEC 14957:1996 Information technology - Representation of data elements values: Notation of the format  ISO/IEC TR 15452:2000 Information technology - Specification of Data Value Domain Information Resource Dictionary System (IRDS)  ISO/IEC 10027:1990 Information technology - Information Resource Dictionary System (IRDS) Framework  ISO/IEC 10728:1993 Information technology - Information Resource Dictionary Systems (IRDS) Services Interface  ISO/IEC 10728:1993/1 Information technology - Information Resource Dictionary System (IRDS) Service Interface - Amendment 1: C Language Binding  ISO/IEC 13238-3:1998 Information technology - Data Management Export/Import Facilities – Part 3: Export/Import Facilities for IRDS

10 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 10 Active Projects Logic  ISO/IEC WD 24707 Information technology - Common Logic (CL) – A Framework for a Family of Logic-Based Languages OMG  ISO/IEC DIS 19502 Information technology – Meta Object Facility (MOF) Specification  ISO/IEC DIS 19503 Information technology – XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) Information technology - Framework for Metamodel interoperability  ISO/IEC CD 19763-01 Part 1: Reference model  ISO/IEC CD 19763-02 Part 2: Core model  ISO/IEC WD 19763-03 Part 3: Metamodel for ontology registration  ISO/IEC WD 19763-04 Part 4: Metamodel for model mapping Standards Metadata  ISO/IEC WD 24706 Information technology-Metadata for technical standards and specifications documents

11 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 11 Active Projects -Continued- Information technology - Metadata Registries (MDR)  ISO/IEC FCD 11179-2 Part 2: Classification for administered items  ISO/IEC FDIS 11179-5 Part 5: Naming and identification principles (Will be published as ISO/IEC 11179-5:2005)  ISO/IEC AWI 11179-3 Part 3: Registry Metamodel and basic attributes 3rd Edition Information technology - Achieving Metadata Registry Content Consistency  ISO/IEC WD 20943-2 Part 2: XML Structured Data  ISO/IEC AWI 20943-4 Part 4: Overview Information Technology--Metadata registries (MDR) Module  ISO/IEC WD 19773-01 Part 1: Contact and location information module for metamodel  ISO/IEC WD 19773-02 Part 2: Relations information module for metamodel  ISO/IEC WD 19773-03 Part 3: Security information module for metamodel

12 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 12 Active Projects -Continued- Information technology - Metadata Registry Interoperability & Bindings (MDR-IB)  ISO/IEC CD 20944-01Part 1:Framework  ISO/IEC CD 20944-02Part 2: Common vocabulary  ISO/IEC CD 20944-03Part 3: Common Provisions for Conformance  ISO/IEC AWI 20944-04Part 4: Generic usage  ISO/IEC AWI 20944-05Part 5: Common data structures and services  ISO/IEC AWI 20944-06Part 6: Semi-structured aggregation  ISO/IEC CD 20944-20Part 20: Common Provisions for Coding bindings  ISO/IEC AWI 20944-21Part 21: XML Coding Binding  ISO/IEC AWI 20944-22Part 22: DIVP Binding  ISO/IEC AWI 20944-23Part 23: ASN.1 Coding Binding  ISO/IECCD 20944-40Part 40: Common Provisions for API binding  ISO/IEC CDI 20944-41Part 41: C API binding  ISO/IEC AWI 20944-42Part 42: C++ API Binding  ISO/IEC CD 20944-43Part 43: Java API Binding  ISO/IEC CD 20944-44Part 44:ECMA script API Binding  ISO/IEC AWI 20944-45Part 45: Perl API Binding  ISO/IEC AWI 20944-46Part 46: Lisp API Binding  ISO/IEC CD 20944-47Part 47: PHP API binding  ISO/IEC AWI 20944-60Part 60: Common Provisions for Protocol binding overview  ISO/IEC AWI 20944-61Part 61: ODBC Protocol Binding  ISO/IEC AWI 20944-62Part 62: DCTP Protocol Binding  ISO/IEC AWI 20944-63Part 63: SOAP Protocol Binding  ISO/IEC AWI 20944-64Part 64: WSDL Protocol Binding  ISO/IEC AWI 20944-65Part 65: LDAP protocol binding  ISO/IEC AWI 20944-66Part 66: JMS protocol binding  ISO/IEC CD 20944-80Part 80: Common provisions for profiles  ISO/IEC CD 20944-81Part 81: Attribute Mapping for 11179-3 MDR metamodel  ISO/IEC CDI 20944-82Part 82: Profile for 11179-3 MDR metamodel  ISO/IEC AWI 20944-83Part 83: URI suffixes for 11179-3 MDR metamodel navigation

13 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 13 WG 2 Liaisons  ISO/TC 37 Terminology and other language resources  ISO/TC 46 Information and documentation  ISO/TC 127 Mobile construction machinery  ISO/TC 154 Documents and data elements in administration, commerce and industry  ISO/TC 184 Industrial automation systems and integration  ISO/TC 204 Intelligent transport systems  ISO/TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics  ISO/TC 215 Healthcare Informatics  IEC B3 JWG 15 Design Automation

14 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 14 WG 2 Liaisons -Continued-  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 Programming languages  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 35 User Interfaces  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 36 Information Technology for Learning, Education & Training  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37 Biometrics

15 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 15 WG 2 Liaisons -Continued-  DCMI Dublin Core Metadata Initiative  Eurostat  OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development  OMG Object Management Group  UN/ECE UN/Economic Commission for Europe/CEFACT  W3C World Wide Web Consortium

16 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 16  Past - Version 1  Data element management  Basic attributes of data elements PART 1PART 2 PART 3PART 4 PART 5PART 6

17 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 17  Present - Version 2  Administered item management  Registry metamodel ISO/IEC 11179 - Present PART 1 PART 2 PART 3 PART 4 PART 5PART 6

18 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 18  Future - Version 3  Knowledge management  Extensions for metamodel interoperability ISO/IEC 11179 - Future PART 3 PART 4 PART 5 PART 2 PART 6 PART 1

19 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 19 Future Directions  Part 2: Classification  Knowledge organization systems  Concept management  Semantic Web

20 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 20 Future Directions  Part 4: Definitions  Data quality  Metadata quality (continued)

21 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 21 Future Directions  Part 5: Naming  Context  Designations (continued)

22 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 22 Future Directions  Part 1: Framework  Part 3: Metamodel  Part 6: Registration (continued)

23 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 23 Future Issues  Model interoperability  Cultural adaptability  XML and Terminology registry interoperability  Non-enumerated Conceptual Domains  Meaning management

24 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 24 Freely Available Standards  ISO/IEC 11179-1:2004 Information technology – Metadata registries – Part 1: Framework  ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 Information technology – Metadata registries – Part 3: Registry metamodel & basic attributes  ISO/IEC 11179-4:2004 Information technology – Metadata registries – Part 4: Formulation of data definitions  ISO/IEC 11179-5:2005 (to be published) Information technology – Metadata registries – Part 5: Naming and Identification  ISO/IEC 11179-6:2005 Information technology – Metadata registries – Part 6: Registration  ISO/IEC TR 20943-1:2003 Information technology – Procedures for achieving metadata registry (MDR) content consistency -- Part 1: Data elements  ISO/IEC TR 20943-3:2004 Information technology – Procedures for achieving metadata registry (MDR) content consistency -- Part 3: Value domains

25 Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries 25 For More Information Larry Fitzwater U.S. Environmental Protection Agency & ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/WG 2 Convener

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