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Proposed Constitution Revision A Guide to the Proposal Matt Hackney April, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposed Constitution Revision A Guide to the Proposal Matt Hackney April, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposed Constitution Revision A Guide to the Proposal Matt Hackney April, 2011

2 Why the Change? The President formed a Special Committee to develop a revision Changes balance Region (Area) membership Reduce International Officers Allow use of Electronic Media Provide direct voting by Members

3 Code of Ethics Replaced Standard of Conduct focus on pursuing fun, fellowship and adventure Not used for censure of members

4 Article I: Name Name remains unchanged Adds the phrase “Airstream RV Association” as a descriptor

5 Articles II, III, IV, and V Editorial Changes only in II Class of Corporation Simplified and broadened III Vision, Mission and Objectives Editorial Changes only in IV Offices Changed “controlling” to “administering” V Powers

6 Increased Voice for MAL Article VI defines Qualification of Members Provides Members-At-Large (MAL) with voting rights Allows MAL to hold International Office

7 Costs, Dues, and Offices Article VII, Revenue and Dues will allow Bylaws to define multi-year membership payments / renewals Article VIII, will eliminate the International 3rd VP and extend Treasurer and Secretary to 2 yr. staggered terms. Article IX will no longer require an Audit at end of Treasurer’s term. Bylaws may allow a “financial review”, lowering cost.

8 Major Changes to the IBT Regions become Areas (as it was years ago). Immediate Past President no longer has a vote Allows electronic meetings and voting Reduces the number of IBT Members Allows flexibility between IBT and International Rally Smaller Executive Committee Number of Areas (IBT Members) Set in Bylaws

9 Election of Officers No more Delegate Meeting or Delegate Voting Members vote directly through Jackson Center Nominating Committee will still recommend, but will provide all qualified applicants for consideration by members.

10 Members’ Caucus Annual Meeting invites ALL MEMBERS PRESENT to discuss opinions Replaces Delegates Meeting No Votes, only discussions Proposed Changes discussed at Caucus BEFORE going to membership

11 Recommendation of Constitution and Bylaws Chairman Do Not Adopt “TOO MUCH, TOO BIG, NO INPUT, NO TIME” Provides point by point disagreement with changes WARNING

12 One More Thing Amendment No. 2 passed at the July IBT Would require the Nominating Committee report out “all candidates deemed qualified” Their names would be in the Blue Beret and information on website Not needed if Revision is approved Constitution and Bylaws Recommends a NO vote

13 Direction for your Delegate The Unit will instruct the Delegate on voting at the Annual Business Meeting The Revision WILL be modified Unit may instruct 1 of the following Vote Yes on proposal as worded Vote No on proposal as worded Vote as you understand our wishes

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