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Advisory Committee / Nomination Committee R10 Meeting Lawrence Wong / YJ Park Advisory Committee/Nomination Subcommittee 2 March 2013 Chiangmai, Thailand.

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Presentation on theme: "Advisory Committee / Nomination Committee R10 Meeting Lawrence Wong / YJ Park Advisory Committee/Nomination Subcommittee 2 March 2013 Chiangmai, Thailand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advisory Committee / Nomination Committee R10 Meeting Lawrence Wong / YJ Park Advisory Committee/Nomination Subcommittee 2 March 2013 Chiangmai, Thailand

2 2013-2014 Advisory Committee Structure Chair –Lawrence Wong, Immediate Past Director Members: Two Past Directors: YJ Park, Janina Mazierska

3 Objectives To assist and advise Region 10 Director and Regional Committee when and where needed, based on acquired regional and corporate expertise and experience

4 Tasks for 2013 Assist and to advise Region 10 Director and Regional Committee and New Sections when and where needed Continue Push for Globalisation of IEEE and a better representation of R10 Assist in Increasing Nominations for IEEE Boards and Committee Coach Future IEEE Leaders of R10

5 Nomination Subcommittee Established in 2011 Chair (2013-2014 ) Lawrence Wong Members Ramakrishna Kappagantu Janina Mazierska YJ Park

6 2012 Nomination Subcommittee Meeting May 26-27, 2012 Place: Odawara, Japan Participants: 4 persons (Lawrence, Toshi, Janina, YJ) Minutes –Discussing the strategy –Listing the candidates –Deciding contact persons

7 REPORT: Nomination Subcommittee Five major boards –EAB –MGAB –IEEE-SA –TAB –PSPB –IEEE USA IEEE Standing Committees

8 REPORT: Nomination Subcommittee Five major boards –EAB –MGAB  20 committees ( 187 positions) –IEEE-SA –TAB –PSPB –IEEE USA –IEEE Standing Committees  11 committees (169 positions)

9 REPORT: Nomination Subcommittee Prepared the list of 68 members from R10, based on recommendation from Sections and Director/EXCOM Nominated 42 members ( 16 members declined/ no response) Results in 2013 : 17 (26) positions (MGA Committees), 9% of the whole positions 19 (18) positions (IEEE Standing Committees), 11% of the whole positions (x) is the last year’s figure

10 PLAN FOR 2013 Assist and advise Region 10 Director and Regional Committee and New Sections when and where needed Face-to-face meeting Increase Nominations and Success Rate for IEEE Boards and Committees Promoting new Section/Subsection establishment in countries, where there is no IEEE OU.

11 2013 Budget Approved: $9,000 Actual spending: $7,827 ~ $10,000: Meeting expenses 2012 Budget

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