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Walk-in Access Wales SCONUL community event, 25/10/12 Bronwen Blatchford, WHELF.

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Presentation on theme: "Walk-in Access Wales SCONUL community event, 25/10/12 Bronwen Blatchford, WHELF."— Presentation transcript:

1 Walk-in Access Wales SCONUL community event, 25/10/12 Bronwen Blatchford, WHELF

2 Introduction WHELF and walk-in access Walk-in Access Wales Walk-in access in Welsh HEIs Walk-in access at UWTSD Main challenges and questions

3 2011 survey – WiA not available CyMAL bid – pilot sites and toolkit Aim to set up WiA across Wales by end of 2013 WHELF and walk-in access

4 Walk-in Access Wales Walrus picture W alk-in A ccess to L ibrary R esources in U niversitieS Image by USFWS/Joel Garlich-Miller

5 Walk-in Access Wales Project lead: UW Trinity Saint David Project Officer: one day p/w Steering group: representation from 6 Welsh HEIs plus WHELF Officer Technical contact: IT Manager at TSD

6 Cardiff University Investigated after 2007. Launched 2012 in 4 out of 15 site libraries. Resources: JISC, NESLi and Eduserv licenses. Licensing: Legal Compliance Officer checked licenses and drew up terms and conditions Registration: Bring 1 form of ID, complete paper form and sign terms and conditions. Technical: users insert chipped smartcard into Sun Ray thin client. Starts bespoke Firefox session. No CU network or internet access. Resources IP authenticated. Printing now permitted via MyPrint.

7 Cardiff Metropolitan University Investigated WiA in 2010. Launched 2012 in 1 site. Resources: JISC, NESLi and Eduserv licenses. Licensing: e-Services Info Advisor reviewed licenses. Registration: bring 2 forms of ID, complete form and sign Acceptable Use Policy. Must be 18 or over. Technical: network guest accounts. Web station PCs flip to WiA – IE opens public web page with IP authenticated resources. No URL bar to access external sites. Users can save to USB but not print.

8 UW Trinity Saint David Carmarthen campus

9 UW Trinity Saint David Carmarthen campus – Lampeter and SMU at a later stage Looked at CU and CMU. Decided on CMU solution – network guest accounts with IP authentication. JISC/NESLi/Eduserv licenses Make use of CU and CMU documentation

10 Challenges and questions Licensing and technical issues Technical: WiA is a library service – need an IT contact to work with and IT solution that works for you Share documentation Students must be priority Promotion…will we be overrun?

11 Contact us Bronwen Blatchford @walkinaccess

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