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Question of the Day  Thieves guild states it will sell to members: lock picking kits  $0.67 each 40’ rope  $2.12 each Wire cutters  $4.49 each How.

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Presentation on theme: "Question of the Day  Thieves guild states it will sell to members: lock picking kits  $0.67 each 40’ rope  $2.12 each Wire cutters  $4.49 each How."— Presentation transcript:

1 Question of the Day  Thieves guild states it will sell to members: lock picking kits  $0.67 each 40’ rope  $2.12 each Wire cutters  $4.49 each How much would one pay for 4 lock picking kits, 8 ropes, and 5 wire cutters?

2 Question of the Day  Thieves guild states it will sell to members: lock picking kits  $0.67 each 40’ rope  $2.12 each Wire cutters  $4.49 each How much would one pay for 4 lock picking kits, 8 ropes, and 5 wire cutters?  Nothing, they’d steal it.


4 Sharing Among Classes

5 Composition has-a  Used when there is “has-a” relationship has a  Student has a name has a  Full name has a first name has an  Car has an engine has an  Rectangle has an upper right vertex  Use a field to compose classes  So we would add name field to Student class  firstName field in FullName class  If must use data externally, add getters & setters

6 Inheritance Is-a  “Is-a” relationships implemented via inheritance is a  Automobile is a Vehicle is a  Car is a Vehicle is an  Truck is an Automobile is an  Car is an Automobile extends  Subclass extends superclass for inheritance extends  Automobile extends Vehicle extends  Truck extends Automobile extends  Car extends Automobile

7 extends extends Example extends extends extends public class Vehicle {…} public class Automobile extends Vehicle {…} public class Car extends Automobile {…} public class Truck extends Automobile {…} ObjectVehicleAutomobileCarTruck

8 What Gets Inherited And How?  Class inherits all members from superclass  Subclass can use them directly unless they are private  Use as if they were copied into class w/o copying

9 What Gets Inherited And How?

10 What About Constructors? "is-a"  Fields and methods inherited since have "is-a"  Car is NOT a Vehicle without same data & actions  Adding members allowed, since Car more specific  But we (almost) always have access to fields & methods  Only during instantiation are constructors used  Cannot use elsewhere so would they help subclass?  Name is specific & tied to superclass; how to use?

11 Inherit Such a Course Word  Superclass constructor still needed by subclass… is-a  Remember, subclass instance is-a superclass instance  Instantiating superclass, too, when creating subclass  Somehow need to initialize instances superclass part  … but constructors not inherited (in same way)

12 Constructors Chains  Java requires reusing superclass’s constructor  Already initializes fields in superclass  Provides us with way to maximize laziness  Allows sharing constructor code within class, too  Still want to avoid copying code  Often do identical work initializing fields  Constructors increase laziness through chaining

13 Chains Explained

14  Chain constructor using this(…) or super(…)  Must be first command  Must be first command in constructor  Call constructor in same class using this(…)  super(…) calls superclass constructor  Will be executed just like method call  Must match types listed for the parameters  If calling super(), cannot violate access protection

15 About To Get a Little Bumpy

16 Chaining Constructors Required  Every Java constructor must be chained…  this(…) or super(…) can be used to do chaining  Class loops forever or will call superclass constructor  But why is requirement new to you this lecture?

17 Chaining Constructors Required  Every Java constructor must be chained…  this(…) or super(…) can be used to do chaining  Class loops forever or will call superclass constructor  But why is requirement new to you this lecture?

18 Implicit Chaining Sounds Dirty  If chaining not explicit made at constructor start  Call to super() added by Java as implicit call  Requires superclass constructor with no parameters… … which exists in Object (default superclass)  But this empty constructor may not be in your classes

19 Constructors Not Inherited  Constructors not inherited directly by subclass  Calling superclass constructor relies upon chaining  Only via chaining is constructor accessible in subclass  Trying to use superclass constructor for new illegal  Not all classes define constructor of their own  If not defined, automatically get one with no params  Implied chain used by this implicit constructor  To do this superclass must include usable constructor

20 Stickers public class Sticker { protected String text; public Sticker(String words) { text = words; } public void printMe() { System.out.println(text); } } public class CSticker extends Sticker { private String color; public CSticker(String clr, String type) { text = type; color = clr; } public static void main(String[] args) { Sticker s = new Sticker(“boo”); CSticker cs = new CSticker(“hoo”); s.printMe(); cs.printMe(); } }

21 Stickers public class Sticker { protected String text; public Sticker(String words) { text = words; } public void printMe() { System.out.println(text); } } public class CSticker extends Sticker { private String color; public CSticker(String clr, String type) { text = type; color = clr; } public static void main(String[] args) { Sticker s = new Sticker(“boo”); CSticker cs = new CSticker(“hoo”); s.printMe(); cs.printMe(); } }`

22 Stickers public class Sticker { protected String text; public Sticker(String words) { text = words; } public void printMe() { System.out.println(text); } } public class CSticker extends Sticker { private String color; public CSticker(String clr, String type) { text = type; color = clr; } public CSticker(String type) { this("blue", type); } public static void main(String[] args) { Sticker s = new Sticker(“boo”); CSticker cs = new CSticker(“hoo”); s.printMe(); cs.printMe(); } }`

23 Stickers public class Sticker { protected String text; public Sticker(String words) { text = words; } public void printMe() { System.out.println(text); } } public class CSticker extends Sticker { private String color; public CSticker(String clr, String type) { text = type; color = clr; } public CSticker(String type) { this("blue", type); } public static void main(String[] args) { Sticker s = new Sticker(“boo”); CSticker cs = new CSticker(“hoo”); s.printMe(); cs.printMe(); } }

24 Stickers public class Sticker { protected String text; public Sticker(String words) { text = words; } public void printMe() { System.out.println(text); } } public class CSticker extends Sticker { private String color; public CSticker(String clr, String type) { text = type; color = clr; } public CSticker(String type) { this("blue", type); } public static void main(String[] args) { Sticker s = new Sticker(“boo”); CSticker cs = new CSticker(“hoo”); s.printMe(); cs.printMe(); } }

25 Stickers public class Sticker { protected String text; public Sticker(String words) { text = words; } public void printMe() { System.out.println(text); } } public class CSticker extends Sticker { private String color; public CSticker(String clr, String type) { super(type); color = clr; } public CSticker(String type) { this("blue", type); } public static void main(String[] args) { Sticker s = new Sticker(“boo”); CSticker cs = new CSticker(“hoo”); s.printMe(); cs.printMe(); } }

26 Stickers public class Sticker { protected String text; public Sticker(String words) { text = words; } public void printMe() { System.out.println(text); } } public class CSticker extends Sticker { private String color; public CSticker(String clr, String type) { super(type); color = clr; } public CSticker(String type) { this("blue", type); } public static void main(String[] args) { Sticker s = new Sticker(“boo”); CSticker cs = new CSticker(“hoo”); s.printMe(); cs.printMe(); } }

27 Overriding Methods  Subclass can redeclare inherited method  Overloaded when different signature used  Method is called overridden if signatures identical  Specialize method in subclass by overriding  Changed only for subclass & its subclasses  Original used by superclass & other classes  Actual method called determined by instance’s type

28 Polymorphism And Assignment is-an  Subclass instance is-an instance of superclass is-a  This makes logical sense: Car is-a Vehicle is-a  Cannot say Vehicle is-a Car ; Opposite is not true  Can assign from subclass to superclass variable  Subclass variable is-a  Subclass variable is-a superclass variable, remember  Can't assign from superclass to subclass variable  May not be reasonable; not all Vehicle s are Car s

29 Types in Java  In Java, use reference variables like silhouettes  Compiler uses variable's type to see what is legal  But (may) lose detail: this ignores instances type  Important distinction between these two types  Variable's type determines if code can compile  If code works (& method called) uses instance's type

30 Inheritance Example public class SuperClass { public String getMyString() { return “SUPER”; } } public class SubClass extends SuperClass { public String getMyString() { return “sub ” + super.getMyString(); } public String otherMethod() { return "other"; } public static void main(String[] args) { SubClass sub = new SubClass(); SuperClass super1 = new SuperClass(); System.out.println(sub.getMyString()); System.out.println(super1.getMyString()); System.out.println(sub.otherMethod()); super1 = sub; System.out.println(super1.getMyString()); System.out.println(super1.otherMethod()); SubClass sub2 = super1;

31 Inheritance Example public class SuperClass { public String getMyString() { return “SUPER”; } } public class SubClass extends SuperClass { public String getMyString() { return “sub ” + super.getMyString(); } public String otherMethod() { return "other"; } public static void main(String[] args) { SubClass sub = new SubClass(); SuperClass super1 = new SuperClass(); System.out.println(sub.getMyString()); System.out.println(super1.getMyString()); System.out.println(sub.otherMethod()); super1 = sub; System.out.println(super1.getMyString()); System.out.println(super1.otherMethod()); SubClass sub2 = super1;

32 Your Turn  Get into your groups and complete activity

33 For Next Lecture  Read GT2.3 for Monday  What are the two types of exceptions?  When do you use each of type of exception?  What is similar between baseball and exceptions?  How are exceptions handled in subclasses?  There is weekly assignment problem on Angel  Due by 5PM next Tuesday (via e-mail)  Will be graded using the provided JUnit tests

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