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Class Aves (or is it Class Reptilia??)

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Presentation on theme: "Class Aves (or is it Class Reptilia??)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Class Aves (or is it Class Reptilia??)
Birds Class Aves (or is it Class Reptilia??)

2 Bird Ancestry Origin of bird’s controversial
Dinosaur-bird link? Dinosaurs and birds from common reptilian ancestor? Birds share many similarities with reptiles: Scales, hinged jaw, rib processes, ankle joint, egg tooth, shelled egg, etc.

3 Bird Ancestry Archaeopteryx lithographica

4 Ancestral Birds Modern Birds

5 Avian Characteristics
Feathers Endothermic Claws on feet Hollow bones Oviparous Sexual dimorphism

6 Marine Birds Webbed feet Waterproof feathers
Spend lives at sea and feed on marine organisms Nest on land

7 Class Aves Order Gaviformes Order Procellariiformes
Loons Order Procellariiformes ‘Tubenoses’ Order Pelicaniformes Pelicans, Gannets, etc Order Ciconiiformes Herons & Egrets Order Anseriformes Ducks, geese, & swans Order Falconiformes Osprey Order Charadriiformes Gulls, Terns, etc

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