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Mathematics Network Meeting Cambridge, 21 st June 2007 Joan Ashley Liz Webster

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Presentation on theme: "Mathematics Network Meeting Cambridge, 21 st June 2007 Joan Ashley Liz Webster"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mathematics Network Meeting Cambridge, 21 st June 2007 Joan Ashley Liz Webster

2 Aims of the day Within our theme of planning for learning we will Share our ideas and experiences Learn about new developments in mathematics teaching Work together on topics of common interest eg schemes of work Consider how we can plan short effective PD effective sessions Learn how video might enhance our teaching and learning. Enjoy our time together.

3 Starter activity (The instructions are in your pack.) Try the activity. What happened? How could you use this activity in your workplace?

4 News and views Sharing resources Mark Greenaway Subject Learning Coaching and Colchester Sixth Form College Steve Blay ….and everyone else …..


6 Regional maths centre Develop an infrastructure of experienced maths/numeracy teacher trainers able to offer advice, support and training to providers in the East of England. Provide direct support to practitioners to help them improve their own professional practice. Create a network for practitioners to exchange ideas and information around any issue/activity to do with the teaching and learning of math’s and numeracy. Develop links with business in the East of England to help identify the workplace need and demands for maths and numeracy skills.

7 QIA Excellence Gateway QIA#math_learning

8 Resources Improving learning in mathematics, otherwise known as the Standards Unit box. Copies can be ordered via Thinking through mathematics - This new resource complements “Improving learning in mathematics”, providing active learning materials for the Entry Level and Level 1 learner. To obtain your own personal copy of the pack visit and follow the links. Many Right Answers STEM CD Evidence bulletin

9 Edexcel Policy Watch – excerpt from “Further Testing Times” As the dog days of summer arrive and the country goes into its annual frenzy of testing and examining the nation’s youth, debate spills out again about its long term effects. Have we unleashed a monster that’s crushing the spirit of the future generation or have we simply devised a more structured way of responding to national challenges about raising performance levels? In one corner sits the Government steadfastly claiming that regular testing improves results and responding to concerns with inscrutable press releases. The one issued last weekend arguing that ‘testing and performance tables are accountability measures essential to extending and maintaining improvements in standards’ is just such a one. Robust though perhaps not very child friendly. To join the mailing list email

10 Forthcoming attractions Joint network meeting with our STEM colleagues at the Regional Science Centre on 17 th October 2007 Joint network meeting with South East in London on 22 nd November 2007 – guest speaker Susan Wall NB STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

11 Meeting the needs of the dyslexic student in mathematics lessons June Massey Functional Skills Linda Horne

12 Workshops145 to 230Planning schemes of work Planning to use video 230 to 315 Planning a CPD session Planning - exploration of resources Planning - working independently with a colleague

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