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West and central Europe chapter 13

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1 West and central Europe chapter 13

2 West-Central Europe Section 1
The West-Central Europe Region is small but it included three major types of landforms: 1. Plains 2. Uplands 3. Mountains The Northern European Plain provides the best farmland The Central Uplands contain hills, small plateaus and mountain ranges. The Alpine Mountain System includes the Alps and the Pyrenees. The Alps are Europe's highest mountain ranges. The Alps stretch from Southern France to the Balkan Peninsula.



5 West-Central Europe section 1
Water Features: The North Sea and the English Channel lie to the North The Danube and the Rhine are two very important rivers that cross the region- for centuries many people and goods have travelled these rivers. A Navigable River is one that is deep and wide enough for ships to use.


7 West-Central Europe section 1
Climate and Resources: Climates include Marine and Mediterranean. High in the Alps the climate is much colder. Resources include: productive farmlands, livestock, coal and iron ore and the income from tourists to the Alps’ breathtaking scenery.

8 Chapter 13 Section 2 Expert groups:
Chunk 1: History of France and Early History. Page (purple) Chunk 2: Revolution and Empire and Modern History Page 315 (orange) Chunk 3: The Culture of France, Language and Religion and Customs. Page 316 (black) Chunk 4: Ideas and the Arts and France today Page (white) Chunk 5: The Benelux Countries, History and the Netherlands Page (green) Chunk 6: The Netherlands Belgium, and Luxembourg Page 319 (yellow)

9 Chapter 13 Section 2 Expert Groups:
Chunk 1: In ancient times France was part of a region called Gaul- Celtic peoples from Eastern Europe settled there. The Romans captured the region in 50 B.C. and established Roman Law. The Franks then captured Gaul and that is how France got its name. The Franks most well known ruler was Charlemagne, he built a powerful Christian Empire. In the 1300s England's King tried to claim France but after the Hundred Year’s War, the French drove out the English.

10 Chapter 13 Section 2: Expert groups
Chunk 2: From the 1500s-1700s France built a Colonial Empire. The French established colonies in the Americas, Africa and Asia. In 1789 the French overthrew the French King and Queen and Aristocracy during the French Revolution. Napoleon Bonaparte, a General then took power and conquered much of Europe. During both World Wars France was invaded by Germany. During the 1950s and 1960s many of the French colonies gained their independence. France is now a Republic with a parliament and elected President.


12 Chapter 13 section 2: expert groups
Chunk 3: Most people in France speak French and are Catholic. French cooking is known as some of the best in the world. The French celebrate Bastille day every year- symbolizes the beginning of the French Revolution. The French are also known for their ideas, arts and architecture.

13 Chapter 13 section 2: expert groups
Chunk 4 France is West- Central Europe's largest country. Paris is the capital city, and largest city. France is known for their food, museums, and famous landmarks. Tourism is vital to the French economy; tourists visit sites such as Paris, the French Alps, and the French Riviera.

14 Chapter 13 section 2: expert groups
Chunk 5 and 6: Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg are all called the Benelux countries. They are also called the low countries because of their elevation. Many different empires and nations have dominated the Benelux countries. After WWII they joined NATO for protection (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Today each of the countries have their own parliament and monarch. The Benelux countries have wealthy economies.

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