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Binospec - Next Generation Optical Spectrograph for the MMT

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1 Binospec - Next Generation Optical Spectrograph for the MMT
Daniel Fabricant, Robert Fata, Mark Mueller, Jack Barberis, Tom Gauron, and John Roll

2 Binospec at a Glance Dual beams address adjacent 8′ by 15′ fields of view (30′ total slit length) 3900 to Å spectral coverage Spectral resolution ~1300 – 5000 with 1″ wide slit Sampling is 0.22″/pixel on 4K by 4K array

3 Binospec vs. the World Spectrograph Field of View (spectroscopy)
Maximum Spectral Resolution Binospec-MMT 240 sq arcmin ~5000 DEIMOS-Keck 80 sq arcmin VIMOS-VLT 224 sq arcmin ~2500 IMACS- Magellan 120 sq arcmin >500 sq arcmin >5000 <2500

4 Scientific Drivers for Binospec
Large scale structure and galaxy evolution from z=0-1.4 with [OII]3727 and z=2.2-7 with Ly α Ly α at z~5.8 5.5 hrs with DEIMOS 9 i’ dropouts in 200 sq arcmin GOODS-N field

5 New Scientific Possibilities with Binospec
Perform slitless spectroscopy to identify PN in nearby galaxies and conduct dynamical studies Characterize faint Chandra/Spitzer AGN samples beyond reach of Hectospec Efficiently observe crowded fields that do not use 1º Hectospec format Carry out programs that require both imaging and spectroscopy. We could explore additional options opened by queue observing.

6 Binospec Initial Grating Choices
Dispersion Resolution 1″ slit Spectral Coverage 270 gpm 1.17 Å/pixel ~1300 ~5400Å 600 gpm 0.54 Å/pixel ~3000 ~2500 Å

7 Binospec Imaging FOV ~15′ by 16′, use pair of 7 by 10 inch filters

8 Binospec Optics MMT f/5 focus 2.9 meters

9 Binospec Layout

10 Binospec Layout

11 Binospec Image Quality

12 Athermalized Optics Coupling fluid lenses

13 Binospec Lens Mounts Nub Flexure Nub Flexure Flexure mounts instead of elastomeric mounts: materials compatible with coupling fluid and greater control of axial stiffness

14 Binospec Collimator Lens Cell
Fold mirror Lens 9 Teflon seals Nub O-ring Flexure Epoxy injection hole anti-rotation pin Seal interface rings Bezel

15 Binospec CCDs Current deep depletion E2V CCDs

16 Active Flexure Control
512 x 2028 Flexure control CCD Flexure control CCDs will monitor position of fiducial fibers mounted on slit mask assembly.

17 Active Flexure Control in Operation
Grating tilt for wavelength setting will be controlled by the flexure control system Flexure and focus shifts will be removed by 3-axis piezo stage in the dewar Flexure control system will have selectable lamps and a filter wheel to pass only the desired light for flexure control

18 Binospec on its handling cart
Entrance window Electronics boxes CCD electronics Cover/thermal shroud

19 Changing Slit Masks, Filters and Gratings
Filter access Slit mask access Grating access

20 Changing Filters and Gratings

21 Binospec Bottom View Grating exchange Grating Camera optics
Collimator optics LN2 dewar

22 Binospec Inverted

23 Binospec Top View – cover removed

24 Binospec Focal Plane Area
Slit mask cassette Center field acquisition and slit guider Off-axis WFS

25 Binospec Status Mechanical design nearing completion: CDR fall Electronics design is mature. 10/12 CaF2 lenses coated and delivered 6/6 aspheric lenses nearly complete Major assembly task of mounting lenses in bezels will be prototyped this summer. Delivery late 2008/early 2009

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