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January 4, 2005MER160 Course Intro1 MER 160 - Design of Thermal Fluid Systems Professors Anderson, Bruno, Kosky Union College Winter Term 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "January 4, 2005MER160 Course Intro1 MER 160 - Design of Thermal Fluid Systems Professors Anderson, Bruno, Kosky Union College Winter Term 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 4, 2005MER160 Course Intro1 MER 160 - Design of Thermal Fluid Systems Professors Anderson, Bruno, Kosky Union College Winter Term 2005

2 January 4, 2005MER160 Course Intro2 1.What is Design? What are Thermal/Fluid Systems? (AMA) 2.Course Overview (Rules, Projects, Do we really need 3 profs? (AMA) 3.Design Project (PGK) 4.Team Assignments & Schedule (AMA) 5.Intro to Engineering Economics (BAB) Today

3 January 4, 2005MER160 Course Intro3 What is Design? The design process involves the application of of concepts from engineering science in a generally specified manner coupled with a creative touch. (Boehm, 1987) (1) Conception - creativity (2) Synthesis - involves learned information and creative insight (3) Analysis - learned concepts

4 January 4, 2005MER160 Course Intro4 Overview of Design Process (1)Define the Problem (2)List Design Requirements (3)Generate alternative concepts (4)Evaluate Alternatives and Select a Concept (5)Detailed Design (6)Oral Design Defense (7)Manufacture (8)Performance Evaluation (9)Design Report

5 January 4, 2005MER160 Course Intro5 What is THERMAL/FLUID Design? Implies calculations and activities based on principles of thermodynamics, heat transfer and fluid mechanics. Components- fans, pumps, compressors, engines, heat and mass exchangers, etc. Thermal systems use large numbers of components Processes in involve fluid motion

6 January 4, 2005MER160 Course Intro6 What is the point of this class?? Let’s check out the Course WebPage! Course Objectives and Outcomes: Upon satisfactory completion of this course students will demonstrate the ability to: 1.Work effectively and efficiently in teams 2.Lead / Manage projects 3.Communicate effectively in written, oral, and technical modes 4.Apply design principles to the design of thermal/fluids systems

7 January 4, 2005MER160 Course Intro7 What is the point of this class?? Let’s check out the Course WebPage! Course Objectives and Outcomes: Upon satisfactory completion of this course students will demonstrate the ability to: 5.Apply principals of engineering economic analysis 6.Identify ethical issues in engineering and be able to find sources for guidance on how to ethically resolve these issues 7.Specify and design Pumping, Piping, and Heat Exchanger systems.

8 January 4, 2005MER160 Course Intro8 How are we going to do all that? Lets check out the Course WebPage again! You will complete four 2.5-week long design projects! (last project presentation is scheduled during finals week) Your final course grade will be a combination of Group and Individual grades ……let’s review the syllabus

9 January 4, 2005MER160 Course Intro9 Topical Coverage Engineering Design: defining a need, specifying success criteria, identifying alternatives, analysis and optimization, design of experiments, the design report, team work. Thermal Science Review: thermodynamic fundamentals, fluid properties and basic equations, heat transfer fundamentals. Engineering Ethics: The basis of ethics, Engineering Cannons of Ethics. Piping Systems: Piping and tubing standards, friction factors, pipe roughness, minor losses, major losses, valves, system behavior, measurement of flow rate and pressure drop. Pumps and Fans: types of pumps, pump characteristics, testing methods, pumps in series, pumps in parallel, fans, blowers, system design practices.

10 January 4, 2005MER160 Course Intro10 Topical Coverage Heat Exchangers: method of analysis, LMTD, heat transfer in a tube, double piped heat exchangers, shell and tube, cross flow, heat recovery, system design. Economic analysis: time value of money, comparing alternatives, depreciation and taxes. Optimization: Introduction and survey of mathematical methods of design optimization. Team Skills: Effective leadership methods, Efficient meeting skills, Conflict resolution, decision making methods, aspects of organizational behavior.

11 January 4, 2005MER160 Course Intro11 Do we Really Need 3 Professors? The Business Manager (AMA or BAB)… is your boss or your bosses boss (if you are working under a team leader) has an MBA with some technical background but not enough to answer technical questions will meet regularly with team leaders to discuss team/project management issues will NOT answer technical questions! AMA will be the Business Manager for Project 1

12 January 4, 2005MER160 Course Intro12 Do we Really Need 3 Professors? The Technical Consultant (AMA or BAB)… has a PhD in the thermal fluid sciences is your engineering “Coach” will “teach” you new material serve as a consultant/advisor on all technical issues is a management “flunky” and knows nothing about “teaming issues” so can’t answer these sorts of questions BAB will be the technical consultant for Project 1

13 January 4, 2005MER160 Course Intro13 Do we Really Need 3 Professors? The Customer (PGK – all projects) has a technical background (but not necessarily a PhD in the thermal fluid sciences) will supply all project “requirements” will serve as engineering contact person can be used as a resource to clarify project requirements but can’t supply help on how to do the project – that’s your job!

14 January 4, 2005MER160 Course Intro14 Project 1 Turn over to Dr. Kosky…..

15 January 4, 2005MER160 Course Intro15 Exit Customer (PGK)... ….Enter Business Manager (AMA) Review Project information on Webpage (statement, schedule, warm-up problem) Distribute hard copy of letter Distribute team assignments Team Leaders – Sign up for a Friday Meeting w/ AMA

16 January 4, 2005MER160 Course Intro16 Exit Business Manager (AMA) ….Enter Technical Guru (BAB) Engineering Economics Lecture

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