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DEVELOPING A BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW. 3 Questions 1.Where did we come from & who are we? 2.What has gone wrong with the world? 3.What can we do to fix it?

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Presentation on theme: "DEVELOPING A BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW. 3 Questions 1.Where did we come from & who are we? 2.What has gone wrong with the world? 3.What can we do to fix it?"— Presentation transcript:


2 3 Questions 1.Where did we come from & who are we? 2.What has gone wrong with the world? 3.What can we do to fix it?

3 Naturalism The idea that nature is all that exists, that life arose from a chance collision of atoms, evolving eventually into human life as we know it today.

4 Public Sphere Scientific Knowledge Private Sphere Personal Preferences FACTS Binding On Everyone VALUES Individual Choice

5 Nancy Pearcy We all come to the table with a spiritual motivation already in place, which affects what we will accept as true. Far from being blank slates, our minds are colored by our spiritual stance – either for God or against Him. As Romans 1 puts it, we either worship and serve the true God or we worship and serve created things (idols). Humans are inherently religious beings, created to be in relationship with God – and if they reject God, they don’t stop being religious; they simply find some other ultimate principle upon which to base their lives

6 Nancy Pearcy We all come to the scientific enterprise as whole persons, bringing into the laboratory a panoply of prior experiences, theoretical assumptions, personal beliefs, ambitions, and socioeconomic interests. These preconceptions color virtually every aspect of the scientific endeavor: what we consider with studying, what we expect to find, where we look, and how we interpret the results

7 Naturalism Worldview Whatever Works Is Right Christian Worldview Objective Moral Standards Pragmatism

8 Whatever works best is RIGHT. Actions and policies are judged on utilitarian grounds alone.

9 Christianity 1.Where did we come from (CREATION)  1.God spoke the universe into existence & created life 2.What has gone wrong (FALL)  1.The human condition is marred by sin 3.What can we do to fix it (REDEMPTION)  1.God in His Grace has provided a way to be Reconciled to Himself in Christ.

10 Question 1 Can the First Living Organism have occurred by chance?

11 Question 2 Does Change of Species occur? Does one form of plant or animal life change, either gradually or suddenly, into another form?

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