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Lesson One: Introduction to Weight, Mass and Volume

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1 Lesson One: Introduction to Weight, Mass and Volume
Grade 8: Fluids Presented on March 01/2, 2011 Student Teacher: Miss. S. Singarajah

2 Introduction to Mass & Weight: Are they the same?
Weight is defined as Mass is defined as the measure of how strongly gravity pulls on you. Weight changes depending on where it is measured. For example you would weigh less on the moon because the force of gravity is not as strong as it is on Earth. the measure of the amount of matter in an object measured in kilograms or grams. Mass does not change depending on your location.

3 What’s VOLUME? Volume is defined as:
the measure of how much space an object occupies. The measurement would be given in cubic units. Basic unit for measuring liquid volumes is in litres and millilitres for small volumes.

4 Weight, Mass, Volume, Density
Lyrics Chorus Let’s discuss the difference between weight and mass People confuse it everyday in every way and let it pass Weight is the measurement of force of gravity on a matter And mass is the quantity of matter on the platter It’s easy: volume is space I’m taking, getting fatter density is the ratio of mass to the volume in the place And this data is all you need to know So let me break it down really quickly before I go Weight, Mass, Volume, Density

5 Verse I When you’re holding a bowling ball before you bowl it You know that there’s a force on your hand, you can’t control it It’s gravity pulling down on the mass of the ball And that force is called weight, what we’re mastering y’all But just wait: wait just a minute, man The ball doesn’t weigh 3 kilograms That’s the mass of the ball, just so understand The weight is the gravitational constant known as G Multiplied by the mass of the earth Multiplied by the mass the ball, which is 3 Divided by the radius between the center of the earth And center of the ball squared If you’re asking, mass is a unit. It’s a quantity of matter Weight is a force that occurs when gravity happens to be present On the earth or the moon, measured with a balance, The mass is the same, cousin

6 Chorus Let’s discuss the difference between weight and mass People confuse it everyday in every way and let it pass Weight is the measurement of force of gravity on a matter And mass is the quantity of matter on the platter It’s easy: volume is space I’m taking, getting fatter density is the ratio of mass to the volume in the place And this data is all you need to know So let me break it down really quickly before I go

7 Verse II Volume is the space occupied by a body Abide by the laws of physics just to record it When you look at it, it’s easy to see The volume of a cube is the length of any side to the power of three When you wanna measure the volume of a sphere, dude It’s 4∕3πr³ You can be a beginner and still figure out The volume of a cylinder with these steps here: The height times π times the radius squared

8 So extensively, we move on to density A measurement of mass over volume For example: the density of water is 1 g/cm³ So you understand It’s all a part of the plan to get the knowledge From my rhyme to your mind to your hand Measure the volume of a can in simplicity With weight, mass, volume, and density

9 Archimedes - Golden Crown
Define Displaced: Is the term to describe what is taken away to make room for the new object. For example when you get into a bath tub the water rises or drips out as you and water can’t occupy the same space. Displace is basically to take the place of.


11 Homework: In your own words describe the relationship between Mass and Volume.

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