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CCSS Practices Jeremy Centeno. Line Up Take a Piece of notebook paper and fold it into quarters Label the corner 1, 2, 3, and 4 Answer the following questions.

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Presentation on theme: "CCSS Practices Jeremy Centeno. Line Up Take a Piece of notebook paper and fold it into quarters Label the corner 1, 2, 3, and 4 Answer the following questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCSS Practices Jeremy Centeno

2 Line Up Take a Piece of notebook paper and fold it into quarters Label the corner 1, 2, 3, and 4 Answer the following questions on a scale of 1 (Being the least) and 10 (being the most) – I feel like I relaxed this summer – I have thought about math this summer – I have looked at the school wide data on math and understand what it means – I know about Common Core

3 Stand Up, Hand Up Pair Signal word. Stand up, Hand UP. “High five.” Greeting. Wait quietly. Topic given. Begin: Partners interact using RallyRobin* or Timed Pair Share*. Gambit (praise) or celebration. Closure (Good-bye).

4 CCSS Practice #1 Practice: #1 Make Sense of problems and preserver in solving them Three Main Points:  Make a Plan  Self Monitor and Explain  Demonstrate understanding by corresponding Example:Student Friendly Definition: I can make a plan, explain my answers, and show how I did it; then I can try another way

5 My Number Bond Name Tag JeremyCenteno 6 7 33 7 3 10 3+ 10 = 3 + 10 = 13

6 Practice: #2: Reason Abstractly and Quantitatively Three Main Points:  Makes sense of quantities and their relationship to the problem  Bring complementary abilities together  Use reasoning that entails creating a coherent representation Example:Student Friendly Definition: I can think about the math problem in my head first

7 Write a Numerical Expression How many tiles?

8 NOTE Not any expression that totals 16 makes sense—for example, it would seem hard to justify 2+14—but a child who writes, for example, 8+8 and explains it as “a sandwich”—the number of blocks in the middle two layers plus the number of blocks in the top and bottom—has taken an abstract idea and added contextual meaning to it.

9 Practice: #3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Three Main Points:  Understand and use stated assumptions and definitions  Construct arguments using objects, drawings, and actions  Listen, read, and critique to find out what makes sense Example:Student Friendly Definition: I can make a plan. I can tell my partner how I did it and listen to how they did it too! Talk about it!

10 Partners take turns, One solving a problem while the other coaches. 100% Engagement! 0 % Engagement  Teacher Coach Page 6.32

11 Practice: #4 Model with mathematics Three Main Points:  Reflect on whether the results make sense  Apply the math they know to solve problem in everyday life  Map relationships using tools Example:Student Friendly Definition: I can use symbols and numbers to solve problems

12 Peter Penguins Clues As a team use your mats to see who is person 1,2,3, or 4 Person 1: Pass out clue cards Person 2: Colors in Answer Sheet when done Person 3: Checks all Answers Person 4: Praises if correct Turn board for next game

13 Practice: #5 Use appropriate tools strategically Three Main Points:  Be familiar with and consider all available tools  Use Technology tools to deepen understanding  Identify and Use other math resources Example:Student Friendly Definition: I can use all available tools and technology appropriately when solving math problems

14 Fraction, Decimal, Percent Line Ups Take your Fraction cards and shuffle them As a team put them in order on your poster board Take your decimal cards as a group place them under their corresponding fraction As a team write what the percent would look like underneath each fraction and decimal pair When done check to see if you are correct

15 Practice: #6 Attend to Precision Three Main Points:  Communicate precisely and use clear definitions  State the meaning of the symbol  Specify units of measure Example:Student Friendly Definition: I can carefully explain to my partner how I came across my answer and why I think it is correct

16 Vocabulary Frayer Model Word:Definition Example Non- Example Re-Defined

17 Practice: #7 Look for and make use of structures Three Main Points:  Find a pattern  Use what you know  Solve the problem!!! Example:Student Friendly Definition: I can use what I already know to solve a problem using patterns

18 Fruit Fly Problem On day one Mr. Centeno noticed he had 2 fruit flies flying around his bananas. On day two Mr. Centeno had 4 fruit flies flying around his bananas. On day three Mr. Centeno had 8 fruit flies flying around his bananas. On day four Mr. Centeno had 16 fruit flies flying around his bananas How man fruit flies did Mr. Centeno have flying around his bananas on day 10?

19 Practice: #8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning Three Main Points:  Notice if calculations are repeated by looking for methods  Attend to detail  Often evaluate results (check understanding) Example:Student Friendly Definition: I can look for shortcuts, use steps to solve problems, and see if it makes sense

20 Repeated Pattern Activity Directions. Multiply the middle number by itself. Multiply the outer numbers to each other. Compare the products 5,6,7 3,4,5 6,7,8 What conjecture can you come up with? What is 29x31 and why? What would the Algebraic formula look like?

21 Video U6o U6o

22 Resource http://www.k- number-activities.html http://www.k- number-activities.html

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