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Starting a new job can feel like moving to a new neighborhood.

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Presentation on theme: "Starting a new job can feel like moving to a new neighborhood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starting a new job can feel like moving to a new neighborhood

2 How do I get around? What is the culture? Will I fit in? What is expected of me? Who can answer my questions? You may be wondering…


4 Let’s start by getting oriented…

5 Where is our neighborhood?

6 Our Traditions Matter

7 Our tradition: Sifting and Winnowing

8 Our tradition: The Wisconsin Idea “I will never be content until the beneficent influence of the university reaches every family in the state.” --University of Wisconsin President Charles Van Hise, 1904

9 Our tradition: Shared Governance UW-Madison Governance Decisions STUDENTS Associated Students of Madison Governance Committees ACADEMIC STAFF Academic Staff Executive Committee Academic Staff Assembly CASI Governance Committees FACULTY UW Faculty Senate L&S Faculty Senate University Committee Divisional Committees Governance Committees UNIVERSITY STAFF University Staff Executive Committee University Staff Congress Governance Committees

10 Letters & Science in Context

11 An L&S look back on last year… L&S’s three academic divisions taught 590,290 credit hours in 2014-15. In other words: We taught 20,496 days or 56.9 years worth of 50-minute lectures in one academic year.

12 Most of our students are undergraduates

13 Percent of Undergraduates 2014

14 Percent of Graduate Students 2014

15 Letters & Science Employees As a proportion of UW-Madison Employees, Fall 2014

16 Compared to other Schools & Colleges, Fall 2014 Letters & Science Employees

17 Types of Letters & Science Employees 2014

18 Job groups and titles may reflect technical distinctions more than function

19 Academic Staff – Definition Academic staff includes professional and administrative personnel (other than faculty, university staff, limited staff, student appointees, or employees-in-training) with duties and appointments primarily associated with higher education institutions or their administration. A minimum of a bachelor degree is required for many academic staff positions. -- Office of Human Resources

20 An employee who is non-exempt from the overtime provisions of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and, therefore, is eligible to receive overtime for all hours worked over forty in a pay period. University Staff appointments may be ongoing or Fixed-term Finite. -- Office of Human Resources University Staff – Definition

21 The UW-Madison faculty consists of all persons with instructional, research and service responsibilities who hold the rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or instructor with at least a one-half time appointment with UW-Madison, or a full- time appointment held jointly between UW- Madison and UW-Extension. -- Faculty Policies and Procedures 1.02.A Faculty – Definition

22 Note: Change Happens! Starting in July, 2015 UW-Madison began implementing a new HR system that is specifically tailored to the needs of our campus rather than being modeled on the State of Wisconsin HR system. Stay tuned for more news!

23 We are State of Wisconsin Employees

24 Why are we here?

25 The three pillars of our mission: TEACHING SERVICE RESEARCH

26 The teaching research service balance varies by department

27 Your experience will be affected by:  Your unit’s focus on teaching, research, and service  Your role in your unit

28 There is no ‘typical’ Letters & Science department  Some are larger than other schools and colleges on campus  Some have a handful of faculty and are one of less than 10 departments of their kind in the US  Some “departments” are units that provide student services or meet other functional needs  Some “departments” are professional schools, programs, centers or institutes

29 ‘Department’ activity may focus on:  Undergraduate education  Professional or graduate education  Research  Performance  Service  Two or more of the above There is no ‘typical’ Letters & Science department

30 Professional Schools  Journalism & Mass Communication  Library & Information Studies  Music  Robert M. LaFollette School of Public Affairs  Social Work

31 Departments Arts and Humanities African Languages and Literature Art History Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies Comparative Literature and Folklore Studies East Asian Languages and Literature English French & Italian Gender & Women’s Studies German History History of Science Languages & Cultures of Asia Linguistics Philosophy Scandinavian Studies School of Music Slavic Languages & Literature Spanish & Portuguese African Languages and Literature Art History Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies Comparative Literature and Folklore Studies East Asian Languages and Literature English French & Italian Gender & Women’s Studies German History History of Science Languages & Cultures of Asia Linguistics Philosophy Scandinavian Studies School of Music Slavic Languages & Literature Spanish & Portuguese Social Sciences Afro-American Studies Anthropology Communication Arts Economics Geography Journalism & Mass Communication, School of La Follette School of Public Affairs Library & Information Studies, School of Political Science Psychology Social Work, School of Sociology Urban and Regional Planning Afro-American Studies Anthropology Communication Arts Economics Geography Journalism & Mass Communication, School of La Follette School of Public Affairs Library & Information Studies, School of Political Science Psychology Social Work, School of Sociology Urban and Regional Planning Natural Sciences Astronomy Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences Botany Chemistry Communication Sciences and Disorders Computer Sciences Geoscience Mathematics Physics Statistics Zoology Astronomy Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences Botany Chemistry Communication Sciences and Disorders Computer Sciences Geoscience Mathematics Physics Statistics Zoology

32 Arts & Humanities Chazen Museum of Art Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE) Film and Theatre Research, Wisconsin Center for Humanities, Center for the Humanities, Institute for Research in the Integrated Liberal Studies Interdisciplinary Theatre Studies Language Institute Learning Support Services Centers, Programs, Institutes L&S Honors Program Lubar Institute for the Study of the Abrahamic Religions (LISAR) Max Kade Institute Medieval Studies Program Religious Studies Program Upper Midwestern Cultures, Center for the Study Visual Culture Center Writing Center

33 Social Sciences Centers, Programs, Institutes American Indian Studies Asian American Studies Chican@ and Latin@ Studies Legal Studies L&S Honors Program Holtz Center for Science & Technology Studies Institute for Research on Poverty Jewish Studies, Mosse/Weinstein Center for Survey Center

34 Natural & Mathematical Sciences Biocore Curriculum Chemistry Learning Center Institute for Cross-College Biology Education L&S Honors Program Centers, Programs, Institutes

35 Your daily work experience will shape what you see around you

36 How we fit together You are an important team member in ANY role. You may have a unique job within your department. You may be one of many people with similar jobs. Your work helps your department to achieve great things. You contribute to the whole. Your work is important.

37 A class is a group projectWho else is in the classroom?

38 IT Staff Support class’s instructional technology and multimedia needs Deans Authorize course, budget, and course personnel Administrative Staff Manage course listings, enrollments, classroom space requests, facilities problems, supply needs Custodians Clean the room and the building Advisors Advise students on degree requirements and course selection Department Faculty Review and approve course proposal Copy Center Staff Print course packets and materials, manage copyright permissions Professor/Instructor Designs, organizes, teaches class, holds office hours Librarian Manages reserved readings Payroll Specialist Manages payroll for Professor/Instructor and Teaching Assistants Teaching Assistants Teach discussion sections and labs, lead review sections assist with grading, hold office hours

39 What does that mean for you? You may be in a brand new position or a position that has existed for decades. But before your job was posted someone got permission to fill the position. More than one person worked on the position description, job title, and pay range. Several people reviewed the position description to make sure that it fits the:  Work that will be done  Way your unit is organized, and  Work that needs to be carried out by your unit as a whole.

40 What does that mean for you? Your position is unique, but it also is very much part of a bigger picture. As we get immersed in our daily work it is easy to lose sight of the big picture. It also is easy to lose sight of how we contribute, and how our co-workers contribute, to the whole. It can be helpful to take a step back and remember why we all are here and what we make possible.

41 Many parts make up a whole

42 Take time to look at the bigger picture

43 How does our daily work, work?

44 It works best by considering each other’s work reality

45 For example: why do you think these people are not at their desks?

46 Where’s Waldo?  In an meeting  Consulting with colleagues  Helping a new faculty or staff member  At a conference  In a training session  Teaching/in a classroom  Presenting a conference paper  In the library or laboratory  Evaluating or meeting with Teaching Assistants  Grading papers or exams

47 Success Strategy: Connecting to Others Some Ways to Connect:  Mentoring Programs  Professional Networks  Professional Development Courses  Department Committees and Projects  College Committees  Campus Committees  Conferences and Workshops  Training Opportunities  Book Groups  Breakfast and Lunch Groups  Recreational Programs  Special Events and Cultural Opportunities  University Roundtable Luncheons

48 Success Strategy: Use Resources!! Some Examples: College  Letters & Science Web site  Letters & Science Administrative Gateway  Letters & Science University Staff Issues Committee  Letters & Science Mentoring Program for University Staff  Letters & Science Committee on Academic Staff Issues Campus  Secretary of the Faculty  Secretary of the University Staff  Secretary of the Academic Staff  Office of Human Resource Development  Office of Employee Assistance

49 Welcome to the neighborhood!

50 We welcome your questions

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