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The Age of Exploration Chapter 1.2. The Age of Exploration 700-1400- Muslims dominate trade routes between Africa and China, including The Silk Road.

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1 The Age of Exploration Chapter 1.2

2 The Age of Exploration 700-1400- Muslims dominate trade routes between Africa and China, including The Silk Road

3 The Age of Exploration 1100-1200- The Crusades brought Europeans into contact with Asian products

4 The Age of Exploration 1300s- Venice gains a monopoly over trade from Asia into Europe

5 The Age of Exploration 1400s- Prince Henry of Portugal attempts to break the Venetian monopoly by finding a sea route to Asia

6 The Age of Exploration 1492- Christopher Columbus proposed a faster route to Asia by sailing west He is wrong, but he discovers a “New World”

7 The Age of Exploration 1500s- The Columbian Exchange begins- animals, plants and ideas are trades across the Atlantic Ocean

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