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Chapter 13 Section 1 The Rise of African Civilizations.

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1 Chapter 13 Section 1 The Rise of African Civilizations

2 Africa  Rainforests  Deserts  Tropical grasslands (savannas)  Almost all lands are on a plateau

3 Africa by Climate Zone

4 West African Empires  The Berbers settled in North Africa  Traveled to West Africa for trade  Camels introduced by Romans

5 West African Empires (cont.)  Trade in West Africa led to the building of vast empires  Gold and ivory was traded for cloth and salt

6 West African Empires

7 Ghana  The “Crossroads of trade”  The traders had to pay passage fees  Made Ghana very wealthy  Armies with iron weapons

8 Ghana (cont.)  Discovery of new gold mines outside of Ghana’s control  Reduced the tax on gold  Heavy farming used all the soil’s minerals  Constant fighting

9 Mali  Griots- African storytellers  Sundiata Keita seized capital of Ghana  Won control of trade routes from Atlantic coast to Timbuktu  Rebuilt Gold and Salt mines

10 Mali

11 Songhai  Mali rulers were taken over by the Berbers  Sunni Ali, leader of the Songhai, conquered the Berbers  Built the largest West African Empire  West Africa became the center of three large trade empires because of valuable mines

12 Kingdom of the Rainforest

13 Kingdoms of the Rainforest  Benin in the Niger River Delta  Kongo in the Congo River Basin

14 Kingdoms of the Rainforest (cont.)  Advantages over West Africans  Farmable soil and warm, wet climate  Created surplus  supported population  Artisans class developed

15 East Africa  Through trade and travel Islam and Christianity got introduced to Africa  Axum  City-state in present day Ethiopia  Trading center for Mediterranean and Eastern Asian world  Brought Christianity to Africa

16 East Africa (cont.)  Arab-Muslim traders settled in East Africa  Invented sailboats-dhows  Shared goods, ideas, and religion  East African ports were the linking world with Asia

17 East Africa (cont.)  Zimbabwe  Gold, copper, and ivory to east coast

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