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MMMMM, BALONEY!!! Baloney Detection Kit Prep. When it isn’t a meat, baloney usually means…

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Presentation on theme: "MMMMM, BALONEY!!! Baloney Detection Kit Prep. When it isn’t a meat, baloney usually means…"— Presentation transcript:

1 MMMMM, BALONEY!!! Baloney Detection Kit Prep

2 When it isn’t a meat, baloney usually means…

3 Why do we need a Baloney Detection Kit anyways…. Ummm, remember this girl from the video?

4 Who Do We Trust?

5 MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS EVER!!!! How can you find the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong???? How do you know???

6 Baloney Group Work In groups of 4-5, come up with a question sheet for deciding what is Baloney, and what is true. Try to come up with 7 questions for deciding if something is baloney or not. An example could be, “Is this newspaper or media source one that I can trust?”

7 Michael Shermer Video Watching the video, put a checkmark beside anything that Shermer mentions in his Baloney Detection Kit that you included as one of your 7 questions.

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