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Piracy Operations in Isla del Sol Waters. Pirate vessels Pirate tactics Pirate attacks by year Locations of pirate attacks Legitimate Isla del Sol fishing.

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1 Piracy Operations in Isla del Sol Waters

2 Pirate vessels Pirate tactics Pirate attacks by year Locations of pirate attacks Legitimate Isla del Sol fishing operations

3 Shu’ai Dhow – Pirate Vessels A Shu’ai Dhow is a medium-sized general purpose boat. Typical sizes for these vessels range from 5 to 15 meters (18 - 50 feet) in length. Shua’ai is a common Dhow type and is often considered the workhorse of inshore waters. It is used for fishing, as well as for coastal trade. Key Identification features: The vessel has a distinctive concave profile, high and square at the stern, sweeping low towards the bow before rising to a characteristic jutting pointed prow. A typical Shu’ai Dhow has a transom stern with decorative protrusions that extend beyond the hull as a continuation of the deck rail.

4 Jelbut – Pirate Vessels A Jelbut is a small to medium-sized Dhow ranging up to 15 meters (50 feet) in length. It is the modern version of the shu'ai with a shorter prow stem piece. Most Jelbut Dhows are fitted with engines. The Jelbut is used in the trading and fishing industries. Key Identification features: The Jelbut Dhow features a transom stern, with a short-prowed stem-piece rising vertically from the waterline, giving the vessel a rectangular bow profile. The flat stern of the Jelbut is an indication of foreign influence, compared to the typical Arab-designed tapered stern.

5 Yemini – Pirate Vessels A Yemeni is a small to medium sized Dhow, approximately 15 meters (50 feet) in length. They are typically used for fishing and are extremely common along the Isla del Sol coastline. Key Identification features: The vessel has either a transom type or tapered high rising stern and a tapered high rising steep angled pointed bow.

6 Skiffs & Whalers – Pirate Vessels Fast going narrow Skiffs with two engines are able to reach speeds up to 30 kts. Normally, two skiffs and one whaler are towed by Dhow “mother ships” Larger and broader than regular skiffs. Up to 10 meters in length. Used to replenish skiffs with fuel.

7 Pirate Tactics: Typical Pirate Attack 1 x Mothership, which includes merchant ship or dhow. Some Motherships have been taken by the pirates and can have their own crew onboard as hostages. Motherships are used to carry pirates, stores, fuel and attack skiffs to enable them to operate over a much larger area and are significantly less affected by the weather. Skiffs are increasingly being carried onboard large motherships and camouflaged to reduce chances of detection 1 x Open Whaler, carrying significant quantities of fuel often towing 2 or more attack skiffs 2 x Skiffs, small high speed (up to 25 knots) open boats or ‘skiffs’ are used in attacks, often approaching from either quarter or the stern. Skiffs are frequently fitted with 2 outboard engines or a larger single 60hp engine Pirate Action Groups operate in a number of different boat configurations. The most common is:

8 Pirate Tactics: Typical Pirate Attack Pirates use small arms fire (AK-47) and Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs) in an effort to intimidate MVs to reduce speed and stop to allow the pirates to board. The use of these weapons is generally focused on the bridge and accommodation area. Some groups are known to have limited numbers of shoulder fired surface to air missiles (SA-14 or SA-16). They also have satellite phones and GPS systems. IDS pirates seek to place their skiffs alongside the ship being attacked to enable one or more armed pirates to climb onboard. Pirates frequently use long lightweight ladders and ropes, or a long hooked pole with a knotted climbing rope to climb up the side of the vessel being attacked. Once onboard the pirate (or pirates) will generally make their way to the bridge to try to take control of the vessel. Once on the bridge the pirate/pirates will demand that the ship slows/stops to enable further pirates to board. Attacks have taken place at most times of the day. However, most pirate attacks have taken place early in the morning, at first light. Attacks have occurred at night, particularly clear moonlit nights, but night time attacks are less common.

9 Summary of Piracy Events by Year Vessels20122013201420152016 Hijacked79714 Boarded8131631 Fired Upon/ Attempted Boarding 7101730 Kidnapping5131023 TOTALS 27455098

10 Locations of Piracy Attacks in Isla del Sol Waters Locations of piracy, kidnapping and crimes at sea incidents in Isla del Sol waters, 2012 to present: 220 piracy attempts, 37 successful $164M loss 943 detainees 10 dead 2 S 4 S 6 S 8 S 168 E 170 E 172 E

11 Locations of Piracy Attacks in Isla del Sol Waters Locations of piracy, kidnapping and crimes at sea incidents in Isla del Sol waters, 2012 to present: As compared to offshore oil exploration and production platforms. 2 S 4 S 6 S 8 S 168 E 170 E 172 E

12 Locations of Piracy Attacks in Isla del Sol Waters Locations of piracy, kidnapping and crimes at sea incidents in Isla del Sol waters, 2012 to present: As compared to offshore oil exploration and production platforms: Compared to IDS Guardacostas stations: 2 S 4 S 6 S 8 S 168 E 170 E 172 E

13 Legitimate Isla del Sol Fishing Operations Dhow Fishing Operations Actions can sometimes appear irregular and erratic as they follow the fish Dhows accompanied by skiffs for periods of up to 20 days or longer; Use skiffs to deploy gear by day, the skiffs then return to the dhow and are taken in tow During the day, skiffs will look for pods of dolphins as an indication of fish, once sighted the skiffs will sprint to the location in order to surround the school Skiffs will chase fish in the wake of MVs Dhow Fishing in High Risk Area

14 Legitimate Isla Del Sol Fishing Operations Skiff Fishing Operations Leave at sunrise and return at dusk, self sufficient for the duration Operate in large numbers up to 40nm from land Traditional vessels range from small 4-8m boats with single outboard engines, to 9-14m boats with 2 x outboard engines Small scale traditional fishing is extensive throughout the region Fishermen have been victims of piracy, many often carry weapons for self protection On occasion, Fishermen fire weapons into the air to make a MV change course and protect their fishing gear Skiff Fishing in High Risk Area

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