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7 December 2015 Prepared by: Earth Observation Data Services Caroline Cloutier, A/Manager LGSOWG 35, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Nov. 13-16, 2006 CCRS.

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Presentation on theme: "7 December 2015 Prepared by: Earth Observation Data Services Caroline Cloutier, A/Manager LGSOWG 35, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Nov. 13-16, 2006 CCRS."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 December 2015 Prepared by: Earth Observation Data Services Caroline Cloutier, A/Manager LGSOWG 35, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Nov. 13-16, 2006 CCRS Ground Station Report

2 CCRS Satellite Receiving Stations Gatineau Satellite Station Prince Albert Satellite Station

3 Multi-Mission Activities Presently receiving: –RADARSAT-1 –ERS-2 –ENVISAT ASAR –LANDSAT-5 TM –NOAA-18 AVHRR FUTURE: –LANDSAT Gap-Filler, Follow-on –RADARSAT-2 –ENVISAT MERIS

4 AGENDA LANDSAT Archive Statistics Ground System Changes LTWG Action Item Responses Data Distribution Statistics Summary

5 CCRS LANDSAT ARCHIVE (As of September 30, 2006) ETM+ (Landsat 7) –144,236 scenes –Approximately 59 TB –Archive last entry: 30 Apr 2005 TM (Landsat 4 & Landsat 5) –318,830 scenes –Approximately 82 TB –Landsat 5 Archive grows by 22.6 GB daily (summer season) MSS (Landsat 1 through 5) –303,718 scenes –Approximately 10 TB

6 CCRS Landsat Archive Details SatelliteSensorDate RangeData FormatMedia L1MSSJuly 26, 1972 to October 26, 1977SerialD1 L2MSSApril 9, 1975 to February 7, 1982SerialD1 L3MSSMay 7, 1978 to February 7, 1983SerialD1 L4MSSAugust 13, 1982 to September 1, 1987SerialD1 L4TMAugust 22, 1982 to February 10, 1983SerialD1 L5MSSMarch 4, 1984 to August 26, 1999SerialD1 L5TMApril 6, 1984 to October 31, 1999Serial D1 L5TMResumed July 2, 2003 to presentRCC PetaSite (SAIT) L7ETM+July 6, 1999 to April 30, 2005Serial, PND D1, PetaSite (SAIT)

7 Ground System Changes since LGSOWG-34 Operations –Maintained Over a 99.64% L5 TM Data Capture Success Rate –100% Successfully Archived –Continue migration of all historical data to new Sony robotic tape archive system (petasite) over the next few years. System Upgrades –Upgrade Landsat MSS in-house processor to process Landsat ETM+, up to Level-1 (SLC-on). –Landsat TM RCC data validation.

8 Ground System Changes since LGSOWG-34 Future Plans –Upgrade CCRS catalogue to incorporate OGC-compliant protocols to ensure interoperability with the USGS catalogue. –Transcribe all remaining Landsat 4-5 TM data to robotic system. –System upgrade for Landsat 1-5 MSS data catalogue (metadata and browse) capability.

9 LGSOGW 34 - Action Item 1 Response Action: ICs to review the L5 MOC-IGS ICD draft document with the new metadata definitions and return comments to Rynn Lamb. Due: December 15, 2005 Response: CCRS provided feedback to USGS.

10 LGSOGW 34 - Action Item 2 Response Action: ICs to review the draft L5 TM Data Validation and Exchange Plan and the updated L7 Data Validation and Exchange Plan and return comments to Rynn Lamb. Due: December 15, 2005 Response: CCRS interacted with USGS. Landsat 5 TM data was exchanged and validated in April 2006.

11 LGSOGW 34 - Action Item 6 Response Action: ICs to send to Laura Rocchio any documents they have of historical importance, such as MOU negotiations, local histories, early LTWG/LGSOWG handouts. Due: By LTWG #15 Response: CCRS has not yet identified any significant Landsat legacy documents for this action.

12 LGSOGW 34 - Action Item 14 Response Action: All ICs to think about the frequency of meetings. Send to Kristi Kline either an email or a letter (on letterhead is preferred), with a copy to Steve Covington, containing your thoughts on whether we should have two meetings or one meeting each year. Due: December 31, 2005 Response: CCRS considers one LGSOWG meeting a year is sufficient.

13 LTWG-15 – Special Request CCRS delivered a CD to USGS at LTWG-15 with metadata report for Mid-Decadal Global Land Survey (MDGLS). The metadata report was in USGS specified format for Landsat 5 and 7 data received by CCRS from April 2004 to 31 March 2006.

14 LTWG 15 - Action Item CAN03 Response Action: USGS and CCRS to arrange a data exchange of pre-SLC L7 data coverage over Ellesmere from USGS to CCRS. Response: CCRS successfully ingested some 50 L7 ETM+ scenes in Raw CC format from USGS for Canadian Arctic mapping.

15 Data Distribution Statistics LANDSAT 1-5 MSS LANDSAT 4-5 TM LANDSAT 7 ETM+

16 Landsat 1-5 MSS Data Sales Statistics

17 Landsat 5 TM Data Sales Statistics

18 Landsat 7 ETM+ Data Sales Statistics

19 Summary LANDSAT-5 operations uneventful. LANDSAT data continues to be utilized. Significant concern with the increasing probability of a gap in LANDSAT data continuity has resulted in user discussions on possible ways to deal with a Landsat gap.

20 Related Information and Links CCRS General –Earth Observation Data Services –Catalogue –GeoGratis –National Atlas of Canada CCRS Distributors –MDA Geospatial Services (formerly RADARSAT International Inc., RSI)) or –PhotoSat Information Ltd. (PhotoSat) GeoConnections GeoBase and Mapping Services Branch – Centre d’information topographique de Sherbrooke (CITS)

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