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Instructions – I won’t be online today – sorry. You are welcome to go to the data conference still and use the chat to share ideas between each other.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions – I won’t be online today – sorry. You are welcome to go to the data conference still and use the chat to share ideas between each other."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructions – I won’t be online today – sorry. You are welcome to go to the data conference still and use the chat to share ideas between each other. The teleconference won’t be available though. Things to do – 1.Pick a place from New South Wales or Tasmania (the two states we haven’t visited yet). 2.Use a Google window to search for their tourist information. 3.Select a place you would like to visit. 4.Collect a picture to put on your next page of your PowerPoint (Australia presentation). 5.The next page will be the back of the postcard. Make a text box to write a brief letter to your class. Pretend you have visited the place in the picture and talk about the activities you might have done or icons you have seen. Don’t forget to address it to them and add a stamp. 6.Look at the samples on the next two pages.

2 SAMPLE POSTCARD FRONT Add picture text background around the edge

3 SAMPLE POSTCARD BACK Add text boxes for letter and address and use clip art a stamp.

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