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Introducing David Stansell September 25, 2006.

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1 Introducing David Stansell September 25, 2006

2 2 History of ITS TN startup  Previous attempts  Attended ITSA State Chapter meeting  Met with Marshall, Kenny, Don and others on feasibility (Phoenix ITSA)  Series of meetings this year  Incorporated this summer  Web site set up (  Ready to take members now!

3 3 Our Mission The mission of ITS Tennessee is to promote cooperation and foster a statewide public, private, and academic partnership to make the urban and rural surface transportation system in Tennessee safer, more effective and more efficient by accelerating the identification, development, integration, and deployment of advanced technologies.

4 4 Goals  Develop broader ITS Constituency  Educate policy makers on the benefits of ITS  Educate our members of national directions and ITS technologies  Provide forums to share and coordinate member missions and experiences

5 5 Our Plan – Year 1  Adopt by-laws  Incorporation  Open bank account  ITSA affiliation agreement  Begin Membership Services Committee  Develop membership brochure/forms  Initiate routine Board meetings  Initiate first Annual Chapter Meeting  Initiate Sponsorship Committee / Program  Advanced web site development

6 6 Our Plan – Year 2  Develop Strategic Plan  Begin Routine Newsletter (via email/web)  Conduct Member Survey  Initiate Membership Drive  Evaluate Partnerships with Adjacent Chapters  Initiate Awards Committee / Program  Initiate Technical Committee / Program  Initiate Training Committee / Program (Professional Capacity Building Program)  Initiate Outreach Committee / Program  Routine Chapter Meetings

7 7 Our Plan – Year 3+  Initiate Education Committee / Program  Initiate Legislative Committee / Program  Initiate Scholarship Committee / Program  Seek Designation as official advisor to TDOT ITS Program

8 8 Key decisions so far…  Modest priced organization based dues for broad appeal and impact ($100/year)  Maximize use of web site and email for member services and communication  Large board for volunteers and community buy-in (11 + 4 officers)  Lay strong foundation initially and build from there

9 9 Challenges  Geography of state makes it hard to get together  ITS still relatively new in Tennessee  Startup costs will exceed anticipated first year dues revenue  Varied experience and needs presents a challenge for programs  Competition for people’s time

10 10 Summary  Please consider joining  Give us a hand any way you can  Help us learn from your experiences  Help us get the word out!

11 11 David Stansell Introduction  President of Stansell Electric Company –Family Business started in 1940 –Large transportation division –Multi-state ITS delivery experience –Joined family firm 7 years ago  BS from University of Viriginia  Formerly at Crosstier for 9 years –DC based systems consulting firm –Grew firm from 2 to over 100 consultants –Sold to subsidiary of Volkswagon  Married with 3 kids –All have read hair –3 of them have the same birthday

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